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A Vengeful Bride novel Chapter 248

Leonard was out of danger. However, it might take a few days for him to wake up.

I went to the Light Company in person and wanted to ask Caesar whether it was him who took my mother away, but I was always stopped at the door and was not allowed to go in.

"Sunny, you don't have to worry. I believe that madam is blessed by heaven." Cornelia said to me when she saw that I was sad every day because of Scott.

I looked at Cornelia and said with a wry smile, "I know, but my mother hasn't been found yet. I... am really worried."

Scott had not been found, which meant that she might be in danger.

"You should take care of yourself at first. You can't find her without a healthy body." Cornelia held my hand discontentedly and said.

"What's more, Ashe has been unhappy recently. He said that you don't accompany him all the time."

"I see. I'll cheer up." I looked at Cornelia and nodded firmly.

I could only let nature take its course.

A month later, Scott had not been found, and my father was still in a coma.

While I was fighting with Caesar's company, I asked someone to find Scott. As for Edward, he went to Holland. We chatted through video every day. Watching Edward getting better day by day, I finally felt relieved.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of Edward. He will fully recover in a few days." Stewart's classmate said. She was a very beautiful woman.

"Thank you, doctor." I let out a sigh of relief when I heard that Edward would recover soon.

"You don't need to thank me. Edward has great perseverance. Ordinary patients can't hold on at all, but he is very determined and insists on accepting treatment every day."

The doctor said with admiration.

After I finished talking with the doctor, I turned off the video. At this time, with a pillow in his arms, Ashe came into my room and rushed to me.

"Mommy, I want to sleep with you."

"Have you taken a shower?"

"Auntie Cornelia helped me take a shower."

Ashe looked at me childishly and rolled on my body.

Looking at his delicate and beautiful face, I smiled.

"Ashe, dad will be back soon. Are you happy?"


Ashe looked at me with his beautiful phoenix eyes and said excitedly.

He missed Edward very much. Every day, he asked me when Edward would come back.

I turned off the light, held Ashe in my arms, and closed my eyes. At midnight, I heard Scott calling me.

"Ashley... help me... I'm so uncomfortable... I'm... locked up... Ashley..."


"Sunny, what's wrong with you?"

I opened my eyes and let out a scream. Then I heard Cornelia's doubtful voice.

I looked at Cornelia in a daze, and my face turned pale, "Cornelia, I dreamt of my mom... She said that she was locked up and asked me to save her."

"You may be too tired recently."

Cornelia frowned and looked at me with a worried face.

"No... I'm not too tired. That feeling is very real. My mother has been locked up. I'm going to save her."

I got up from the bed in a panic and was held down by Cornelia.

"Sunny, calm down. Where are you going now? Do you know where she is?"

Cornelia's words calmed me down in an instant.

I clenched my fist and opened my mouth, but I couldn't say a word.

"Madam, someone wants to see you outside."

Just as I and Cornelia looked at each other, the housekeeper's voice came from the door.

Hearing the housekeeper's voice, I felt a little stunned.

"Who is it?" Cornelia walked to the door and opened it. She looked at the housekeeper and asked. "The old master said that his name is Hayden Ye."

Hayden Ye? Who was he? I didn't know him at all!

I looked at Cornelia in a daze. Then Cornelia asked the housekeeper to invite him in and went downstairs with me.

When I went downstairs, I I didn't see Ashe. Then Cornelia explained that Ashe had gone to school.


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