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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 337


"What? Danny's coming over?"

Whitney was halfway through her meal when her phone began to buzz relentlessly on the patio table. Reluctantly, she picked it up, only to be hit with the surprising news.

"Not in the mood?"

The man's voice was deep, wrapped in a frosty tone. She dared to ignore his calls twice.

Was he really that unwelcome? Or was she just too happy sharing a meal with Bryce?

Hearing about this Bryce guy twice in one day was getting on Ludwik's nerves.

Fidgeting with his tie, he muttered, "Fine, forget it then."

"Wait! Where's the kid?"

"In my car."

Whitney's face fell, her tone laced with irritation, "What, you're coming too?"

The vein on Ludwik’s forehead throbbed at her tone, "You think I want to come? Do you expect a three-year-old to drive himself?"

"If it weren't for his tantrum, begging me to bring him to you, I wouldn't have bothered. You've got ten minutes to meet us outside your place."

Click. The line went dead.

Whitney, listening to the dial tone, was seething. She wanted to throttle Ludwik.

Meanwhile, in the car, Danny sat in the backseat, silently judging his dad for blatantly lying. He hadn't thrown a fit at all. His dad was shamelessly using him to see his ex-wife.


Danny grimaced, not even wanting to talk to his dad, and instead texted Sammy.


Back at Whitney's, panic set in.

Damn Ludwik was coming, and she had to hide Sammy.

Luckily, the dinner with Bryce had just ended. Bryce dropped them off at the apartment complex.

Whitney asked him to stop at the entrance, turning to him apologetically, "Sorry, Bryce, I can't invite you up. Danny's coming over, and Ludwik’s bringing him. I need to prepare."

Bryce clenched the steering wheel, a flash of annoyance in his eyes.

The situation he dreaded was unfolding.

Yet, he managed a calm smile. "Of course, seeing the kid is important. Just call me if Ludwik gives you any trouble."

Whitney nodded gratefully and got out.

She hurried to the apartment, thankful she had bought the unit next door to hide Uncle Joe and Yael.

Whitney pulled Sammy aside, hiding him.

Her phone rang incessantly with Ludwik’s number.

Annoyed, she knew they had arrived. She rushed downstairs, taking a deep breath, somewhat excited to see Danny.

But as soon as she reached the lobby, she saw them waiting by the flowerbeds.

Ludwik, nearly six-foot-three, towered over Danny, creating a comical contrast. Dressed in a crisp white shirt and black slacks, his silhouette was striking under the dim lights, the shirt hugging his back muscles, the collarbone peeking out, exuding a mature charm.

Indeed, such a man would stand out anywhere.

But when he turned, his cold face and the sharp gaze he fixed on her for a few seconds spoke volumes of his displeasure, "Took you long enough."

Who does he think he is, royalty?


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