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She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin) novel Chapter 62

Chapter 62: Swift and Ruthless

His deep blue eyes held a hint of sorrow, and the teardrop mole at the corner of his eye added a touch of enchanting allure to his countenance.

Cheyenne squinted at him before suddenly grabbing onto his sleeve with her delicate hand. "Tell me how you know my name."

Jerome looked down at Cheyenne's delicate hands. Her pink nails were shiny and clean, making him feel extremely comfortable. Such a pair of hands would be perfect for a massage; how could she ever hit himself?

"I went to Mr. Foley's office just now," he said.

But he couldn't even get in the door!

Of course, he wouldn't tell Cheyenne that.

The famous male star didn't even have the qualifications to enter Mr. Foley's office...

It was too much for his weak and fragile heart to handle.

It was Mr. Foley's assistant who tactfully told him, "You shouldn't be hanging out with Mr. Foley's ex-wife."


Jerome immediately searched online to find out who Mr. Foley's ex-wife was.

And when the news came up on the web page, it scared him so much.

Wasn't this the woman he had been searching for days?

She had actually been married before - and not just anyone but Kelvin, the CEO of the Foley Group!

This one sentence from Jerome put Cheyenne into deep contemplation.

'What does Kelvin mean by this? We're divorced, why is he still trying to control my life?' Cheyenne thought, feeling displeased.

Jerome noticed her distress and saw the anger hidden behind her fair complexion in the dimly lit elevator. He approached her and gently wrapped his arms around her slender shoulders.

"You see, your ex-husband took away my endorsement deal, and he kicked you out of his life. Why don't we team up and get revenge? Be my girlfriend and we'll show him what he's missing," Jerome whispered seductively into Cheyenne's ear.

Cheyenne let out a bitter laugh as she looked at Jerome with a pained expression in her eyes.

"I don't mean anything to him. If you want revenge, that's your business! Let go!" she exclaimed as she pushed away from Jerome's embrace.

She refused to lower herself by getting involved with someone like Jerome just to seek revenge on Kelvin. Even if they did end up together in bed, Kelvin probably wouldn't feel anything.

Being rejected once again, yet Jerome persisted, his hand sneaking under the thin fabric to lightly touch her smooth fragrant shoulder.

In the next instant, the elevator echoed with a scream of agony.

This sent the people waiting outside the elevator jumping in fright, their gazes collectively fixated on the tightly shut doors.

Finally, the doors of the elevator slowly opened.

The scene inside left everyone dumbfounded.

A petite and stunningly beautiful girl in a white dress was holding her fist, preparing to strike the man.

The man crouched on the ground, clutching his groin, his face bruised and battered, looking weak and beaten.

Large drops of sweat rolled down his forehead, sliding over his prominent nose.

"Cheyenne, you... you're so ruthless, you actually kicked me there."

The woman smiled lightly and even reached out to touch his silver hair before leaving. Her actions were carefree like she was playing with a cat at home.

"I forgot to tell you that I'm a ninth-degree black belt in Taekwondo. My kicks are fast, accurate, and ruthless!"

Jerome tried to speak but the pain made it difficult for him to form coherent words.

"Just wait until I'm better... I'll make sure you pay! You've hurt my heart!"


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