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The CEO's Hidden Love: Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires novel Chapter 844

The next morning, Karen didn't peel her eyes open until the sun was high in the sky.

Every bone in her body ached, and every muscle groaned in protest. It was as if her limbs were staging a mutiny for the foolish decision to climb that mountain the day before.

"Hurting?" Jeffrey, lying beside her, had developed this sixth sense of waking up the moment Karen so much as twitched.

"Ugh, I'm pretty sure I'm bedridden today."

Jeffrey let out a resigned chuckle and pinched her cheek affectionately. "Told you to pace yourself, didn't I? But no, you had to be the Energizer Bunny."

Karen pouted. "When you're out having fun, you gotta go all in, right?"

"I surrender to your logic. What do you fancy for breakfast? I'll run out and grab it."

"Craving some of that egg and bacon sandwich from Heber's back on one of Everglow City's streets. Stumbled upon it last time I was visiting Dorothy."

Jeffrey's fingers danced over his phone, pulling up the address, and then he pushed himself out of bed. "Hang tight. I'll go fetch it for you."

Her heart warmed, Karen giggled. "Thanks, hubby!"

That endearment was music to Jeffrey's ears. He would fly back to Eldorria City if it meant bringing back a smile on Karen's face.

Watching him dress and dash out, Karen took her time freshening up before bombarding Dorothy with messages.

Karen: [Post-hike syndrome is real. Ouch!]

Karen: [Dorothy, you up yet?]

Everett: [She's sleeping. What's up?]

Seeing Everett pop up in the chat was a surprise.

Karen tried to add him as a friend, but no dice – his settings blocked friend requests.

"Tsk, a man of principles, huh?"

Dressed and restless, Karen decided to step out for a bit. She had barely entered the elevator when a familiar voice called her name.


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