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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 101

The battle was still raging, the deafening shouts filling the air.

Stella felt a wave of nausea and turned away, unable to bear the sight.

She scanned the crowd, taking in the bloated men and the women in their prime, all laughing and carousing without any regard for decorum.

Was this what The Chaos considered natural liberation?

The audience either reveled in the debauchery or remained indifferent, clearly used to such spectacles.

The party was not only attended by guests, but also by servers. The girls were young and pretty, the boys handsome and dashing, all dressed in swimsuits with number tags.

They weren't just there to serve refreshments, but to accompany the guests. At a wave of the guests’ hands, no matter the request, they had to obey unconditionally.

They were all so young, yet they looked like the walking dead, worn down by the harsh reality of the apocalypse.

For the sake of survival, they swallowed their emotions and hid behind masks of indifference.

Stella gripped her hand tightly and looked away, grateful for her superpower that spared her such a fate.

Jasper surveyed the room, his years of experience telling him that there were infiltrators among them, but without any concrete proof, there was little he could do.

They walked around the room hand in hand, noticing eight bodyguards stationed around the room, heavily armed and ready to open fire at any moment.

The battle in the arena was reaching its climax, but the boss of The Chaos remained absent.

To avoid drawing attention, they blended into the crowd.

As the clock was about to strike midnight, the battle finally came to an end. The victor, with numerous wounds, left the arena with a sack of rice while the loser was thrown into a trash can.

The next match promised to be even more eye-catching.

As the disco balls spun, two girls wearing cloaks stepped into the arena amid the cheers of the guests, igniting the atmosphere.

One was covered in horrifying scars, her eyes cold and ruthless; the other was young and beautiful, her eyes filled with fear and terror, like a rabbit caught in the headlights.

One was clearly a seasoned fighter, the other a helpless, pitiful novice. This was to be a bloodbath, a one-sided slaughter.

Stella gasped in shock as she recognized the novice as a former classmate.

They weren't close, but she knew the girl came from a well-off family, nurtured and cherished in a sheltered environment. Now, she was thrown into the slaughterhouse.

The guests were placing their bets, and the atmosphere was mad, even more intense than the horse races before the apocalypse.

Stella stood among the crowd, staring at her former classmate in the arena, her jaw clenched tightly.

Jasper noticed her reaction and gave her a comforting pat. Stella took a deep breath and calmed herself down.

Suddenly, the lights went out and the melodious chime of a bell rang out.

Stella felt a chill run down her spine.

Jasper instinctively grabbed her hand, their bodies pressed close together.

As the music started, a spotlight shone on the center of the stage.

The curtain on the stage slowly lifted, revealing a burly man with a dragon tattoo on his chest, sitting on a Iron Throne in a swim trunks, surrounded by twelve beautiful women, each more stunning than the last.

Stella frowned in disgust.

What the hell?

In her previous life, she had never gotten a good look at the boss' face, but she had heard of him from official reports.

He was a drug dealer, who had made a fortune selling drugs and then smuggling them into the country. He was wanted for smuggling a large quantity of drugs, enough to get him executed dozens of times over.

He took advantage of the chaos of the apocalypse to build his criminal empire, so ruthless that he didn't even fear the police.


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