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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 138

The ice layer melted under the sun's exposure in an astonishing speed. The surface was smooth with no grip, making it impossible for the people in the water to climb back up.

Two individuals, quick on their feet, darted towards the building, but their pace was no match for the speed of the cracking ice. They slipped, fell, and were immediately swallowed by the icy waters below.

A year of disasters had pushed their bodies to the brink. Already severely weakened, they were unable to resist the bone-chilling water that filled their mouths and nostrils. They fell and rose in the water, but never managed to climb back up.

Stella's walkie-talkie rang, drawing her back to the present.

"Stella, the heatwave is coming earlier than expected."

A chill ran down her spine at the thought. "Do you feel like the sunlight is too glaring?"

Jasper was knocking at the door. "Yes, and the temperature is rising too quickly."

Once the door was opened, their eyes met.

Many had died of heat in their previous lives. Now that the heatwave was arriving earlier, the consequences would be even worse.

Remembering the sauna-like weather she had experienced before, Stella felt a shiver run down her spine. Given a choice, she would rather face the freezing weather. At least they could snuggle under the blankets then.

Seeing her serious expression, Jasper reassured her. "We've prepared for this. We'll pull through."

Yes, they would pull through.

She had survived before when she was alone, without food or water. Now, not only did she have Arcadia and Cooper, she also had a boyfriend, and some friends. Her situation was far better than before.

After breakfast, they discussed the matter of harvesting the potatoes.

They had the growth stimulants, but the heatwave had arrived early and the potatoes weren't fully grown yet.

They dug up a pot and found that the potatoes were smaller than the previous batch and their taste was even more bitter. If they were to harvest them now, not only would the yield be significantly reduced, the immature potatoes would also be harder to preserve.

Jasper asked, "Should we harvest them?"

The potatoes on the balcony, exposed to the sun, had wilted under the rising temperatures.

Stella thought for a moment. "Let's not harvest them for now. I'll put them in Arcadia's Garden and see if they'll grow some more."

And so, the dozens of pots of potatoes were all taken into Arcadia and neatly arranged in the garden.

"Jasper, I feel hot."

Ever since she woke up, Rosie had changed her clothes three times. Even in a dress, she was still sweaty.

The ice had just melted and the water was still cold, but being on the top floor, the concrete roof had been baked to a blinding white.

The temperature read 39 degrees Celsius, but the ground temperature had already reached 72 degrees. Even in the living room, they could feel the heat seeping down from the ceiling.

That was the biggest downside to living on the top floor. Without air conditioning, it was already unbearably hot usually, let alone during a heatwave.

Not only was Rosie feeling hot; even Cooper couldn't bear it.

The usually lively and energetic dog was now crouched quietly, panting with his tongue sticking out.

Stella entered the master bedroom of 1801, taking out the power bank and the portable fan, and made sure to add some ice inside.

She wanted to turn on the air conditioner, but the noise from the external unit was too loud.

On the 18th floor, there were already quite a few water tanks. If the air conditioner was turned on, it would undoubtedly signal to all survivors that the 18th floor had both water and electricity—come and grab it.

There was no rush. They would wait and see.

The moment the fan was turned on, it was immediately claimed by Cooper and Rosie. The cold air blowing from the fan made Rosie cheer with joy. "Wow, it's so cool."

Stella, wearing a thermo-regulated suit, didn't feel particularly hot. However, she was a bit worried at the moment. "I want to go out for a while."

Cody and the others had been gone for several days, but they hadn't returned. Could something have happened?

Jasper asked, "You want to go pick up Cody and the others?"


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