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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 153

They could only choose from the standard sizes and go with whichever one they happened to stumble upon.

Jasper ripped open the cardboard box, assessing the usability of the items, estimating the quantity, and then motioned for Stella to collect it all.

Under the intense underwater pressure, Stella would rest in Arcadia whenever she felt tired.

Their strategy was simple: gather as much as possible. If in the end, they couldn't carry it all, they could simply discard the extras.

By noon, they had gathered several hundred cubic feet of goods. Enough to last for generations, if they ever had any. But who knew?

If they didn't, it was fine. They could leave it all to Rosie or use it to adopt another puppy to keep Cooper company.

They collected until noon. It was only when Jasper said to take a break that Stella went into the Arcadia to eat and sleep. She had no choice - the mental strain was too much. She needed to treat her body with good food, good drink, and good rest.

Jasper, on the other hand, didn't rest. He went to the garden to work hard, harvesting vegetables, weeding, and rearranging the living room furniture.

After Stella waking up from her nap, the two swam back to the office and then headed out to a car modification club, run by the kid from a wealthy family.

The club was close to the city, a symbol of the extravagant lifestyle of the wealthy young people. It was luxuriously decorated in a blend of gold and cyberpunk aesthetics; even the windows were blast-proof.

They tried smashing it with a sharp hammer for a long time, but to no avail. In the end, they swam up to the fourth floor and broke in through the bathroom window.

Stella didn't know much about car repairs, so they split up to save time. Jasper went to gather usable parts, while she raided the rich kid's lair.

Yes, the rich kid was a hardcore car modification enthusiast. He had no interest in inheriting his family's billion-dollar fortune, spending most of his time at the club with his friends.

Modified luxury cars, champagne, beautiful women, and parties. That’s life!

In the rich kid's huge room, Stella deftly broke into the door.

Gotta admit. The southern rich had a particular fondness for slippers. There were hundreds of pairs of slippers in the shoe cabinet at the entrance.

There were both men's and women's styles, and a few pairs were diamond-studded Hermes ones, worth more than $30,000 a pair. They had been ruined by the water.

Stella didn't mind and threw the diamond-encrusted slippers into the Arcadia.

After a while, she checked with her consciousness. Ha, she knew it, Arcadia would take the diamonds, as expected.

She threw out the ruined slippers and continued to search the mansion.

Paintings and such were out of the question, as they would have been waterlogged by now. There were jewel ornaments, vases, and such on the curio shelf. She couldn't tell if they were real or fake, so she just threw them all into the Arcadia to let it figure it out.

The study had two safes, and she put them in the Arcadia for now.

The bedside table in the bedroom had a lot of condoms, the packaging sealed, but she didn't know if the inside was damaged. She collected them anyway, planning to sell them to Monkey if they weren't ruined.

There was a jewelry box, and when she opened it, there was a pink diamond bracelet inside. Stella saw the logo on the jewelry box. This brand started at eight figures.

She couldn't understand the rich's hobbies. Wearing slippers himself and giving his girlfriend an eight-figure pink diamond, it was indeed true love.

She wanted to wear it too, but Arcadia wouldn't give her the chance.


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