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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 173

Stepping out from Arcadia, the night had already cast its dark blanket over everything.

Jasper docked the yacht close to the shore, not hurrying Stella to pull it back into Arcadia.

They were quite a distance away from the fishing village and the dock. It was unlikely anyone would be around at this hour, but out of caution, Jasper donned his night vision goggles and scanned the dark for a while, ensuring there were no issues.

To avoid drawing attention with the motorboat, they paddled their rubber dinghy to shore.

Once ashore, they faced an incline leading to the coastal highway. There was no path, just brambles and reeds taller than a person.

Jasper led the way with his machete, shielding Stella behind him and flattening a path before allowing her to follow. "Watch your step," he cautioned.

After some time, they made it to the highway. Stella got into their car, flicking on the headlights. "Are you okay?"

Jasper was fine, save for a few scratches on his hands from the brambles and reeds. They were bleeding a little but were not serious. Stella took out an iodine solution to disinfect his wounds before applying band-aids.

In the darkness, they slowly drove along the highway. One drove, and the other kept vigil.

Upon safely returning to the villa, Stella's mood brightened. She took out some premium food from Arcadia to celebrate.

With the addition of a yacht, they felt more secure about potential sea survival scenarios.

The trip to the coast was worth it. They had been stocking up on dry goods and, with the 3,000 pounds they just acquired, they now had over 10,000 pounds of seafood.

Not only was it enough to last them a lifetime, but it could also be used for trading in the future.

Despite the abundance of seafood, they knew they couldn't eat it recklessly. Stella contemplated that it was time to stock up on fresh goods.

After dinner, the trio and the dog enjoyed the moonlight, stargazing and munching on watermelon on the rooftop.

Rosie, propped on her elbows, marveled at the starry sky. "It's so beautiful here. I wish we could stay here forever."

Stella agreed. Whether it was the environment or the resources, it was far superior to what they had in Griffith.

Trading their two-bedroom apartment for a spacious villa was a no-brainer. Living near the rich meant a higher standard of living and less worry about others with ill intentions. Walking the dog became easier too. Cooper could run up and down the stairs freely, getting plenty of exercise.

Jasper had no objections. "If you guys like it here, we can stay. We can bring the rabbits over when we find the time."

Stella thought it was a good idea, but there was no rush. She had stocked up a lot of hay, enough for the rabbits to last a couple of months.

They could decide whether to stay or leave after they had stocked up enough supplies. After all, there were no entirely safe places in the post-apocalyptic world. As more and more refugees gathered on the coast, their villa could become a juicy steak, and a few dozen security guards would be no match for a horde of desperate people.

Over the next few days, they brought back 1,200 pounds of fresh goods each day. The bounty was glorious.

Shrimp, squid, crabs, salmon, trout, octopus, sea urchins, oysters, scallops, mussels, snails, and more. There were many other exotic seafood they had never seen before.

In addition to trading, they continued to stock up on food. They tried every recipe they could with the abundant ingredients, constantly exploring new dishes.

Before they knew it, a month had passed. They had stocked up enough food to last for years and wouldn't need to cook anymore.

They enjoyed the sea breeze, sipped on beer, and brought out the barbecue to the rooftop to feast. Just as they were starting to eat, Austin showed up again. Rosie quickly hid the food and even helped wipe the dog's mouth.

The kid was quick-witted, and Stella almost burst out laughing. Still, they saved some oysters for Austin. They didn't dare give him any fruit though, fearing it would give away their secret.


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