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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 178

Although Stella was not happy about it. She and Jasper almost had to go out by car every day, and she knew that unwanted trouble or deliberate refugee presence would be a losing game.

This was no joke. Just two weeks ago, a family in the neighborhood was robbed. The thief had come and gone like it was his own home, with no sign of forced entry. The family woke up the next afternoon to find all their belongings gone. They were flabbergasted.

Everyone knew it was an inside job, but without a local police station to report the crime, their complaints fell on deaf ears.

Luckily, Stella was vigilant. Not only had she installed an electric fence around her property, but she had also politely declined the security guards' offers to help with moving goods and other services.

In these dire times, trust was a luxury they couldn't afford.

Moreover, during a previous conversation, Rob had mentioned that his family had perished in the harsh winter. So, where did this supposed parents come from?

He may have kids. Rob was rumored to have not only seduced local widows but also courted young women with gifts of salt and other goods. His targets always varied.

No matter how desperately Rob pleaded, Stella remained unmoved.

There were only three spots left in the escape pod, but a horde of desperate people were clamoring outside for them. Who should she let in? Who should she deny?

If she opened the door, she would not only lose the three spots in the escape pod but might also lose her own spot and pay the price with her life.

So, regardless of their pleas, tears, or the exorbitant offers they made, Stella remained steadfast.

Five thousand pounds of food was a tempting offer, but you needed to be alive to enjoy it. And why should she help someone who had abandoned his own family in the face of disaster?

As the escape pod door remained closed, the crowd's pleas turned into anger.

"Why are they safe inside while we're out here?" they roared, their faces twisted with rage.

Their anger ignited, they began to pound on the glass. Someone swung a baseball bat at the pod's door, shouting, "If we can't live, then you can't either!"

The baseball bat swung high, incessantly battering the glass.

Cooper bared his teeth, wanting to tear them apart, but was restrained by his trainer.

Seeing so many hostile faces, Rosie couldn't hide her fear. "Jasper," she whimpered. Jasper comforted her in a low voice, offering her a piece of toffee. "Don't be scared."

Unfazed by the hatred and violence outside, Stella knew the escape pod's glass was made of aerospace material. It wouldn't break, not even if they used a sledgehammer.

The glass was triple-layered. Even if they managed to break through the first layer, there would be two more to get through, which would take at least a day.

"Damn it!" The crowd grew more frantic, planning to push the escape pod off the roof.

Stella watched silently as the rich, who were usually on their high horses, showed their true colors in the face of disaster.

They underestimated the weight of the escape pod. Designed for earthquakes or tsunamis, the pod was made of special material and was incredibly heavy.

As a result of their collective efforts, the pod showed signs of movement, but the second wave of the tsunami hit, washing over the escape pod.

Under the force of the tsunami, the escape pod rolled backward, crushing several people who were unable to escape in time under it. The wave washed the scene clean.

Those who survived barely had time to catch their breath before a wave higher than the mountain range came crashing towards them.


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