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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 245

Thankfully, the glass was bulletproof, or Stella would've met her maker right then and there.

Collin and the others were scared out of their wits, but Jasper kept his cool and focused on driving. He was impressively calm under pressure.

The vehicle was heavily modified. Not only was the glass bulletproof, but the tires were puncture-proof as well.

Of course, if it wasn't for Collin and the others, Stella would've probably insisted on stopping and making sure those robbers were sent straight to hell. The criminal gang was everywhere, but the researchers and their medicine were more important. No need to stir up unnecessary trouble.

When they arrived in Swan Hill, this once bustling metropolis, all that remained were a handful of sturdy buildings amidst a sea of broken ruins and the blinding glare of sunlight reflecting off shards of glass. Its tragic history was even more harrowing than that of Griffith. Words and images could hardly do it justice.

Desolation, sorrow, and utter despair.

Buildings had crumbled, walls had fallen, but there were still survivors holding on. They either lived in makeshift shelters or dug holes beneath the rubble. Stella turned away, not wanting to see any more of this tragedy.

Guided by Collin, the Hummer pulled up to a building not far from the city center. The research institute had collapsed, and this was a temporary replacement they had found.

As they returned safely, several staff members emerged from the building, "Did you find anything?"

"We did, but it was extremely dangerous. We were lucky that some kind-hearted people helped us, or we would've been done for in Mount Greenwood."

Collin thanked them again, making sure to tell Jasper which areas of Swan Hill were particularly dangerous and to be avoided at all costs.

Jasper simply nodded, turned the vehicle around and drove off.

Compared to Griffith, Swan Hill was relatively safer. It was not only home to the military headquarters but also had a larger number of troops maintaining order.

Due to numerous roadblocks, it took them an hour to leave the city and find the road leading to Lincoln.

Stella didn’t want Jasper to be tired out, so she took over driving.

During the extreme heat, nearby cities would travel to the military base in Lincoln for water. The road was well-maintained and much smoother than within the city.

In the back seat, Cooper and Rosie were snacking and messing around.

While they were with Collin and his team, they didn't dare to eat even basic toast, let alone a hamburger or a hot dog. And even then, their food was rationed.

Jasper was enjoying a meat sandwich, making sure to hand Stella one so she wouldn't go hungry.


"Jasper, I want one too."

Jasper couldn't help but laugh. There was never a dull moment with these two.

As Stella savored the sandwich, she turned on the car's music and took a sip of her iced tea.

Before she could swallow, Jasper suddenly warned, "Watch out!"

Thankfully they were accustomed to such surprises, or Stella would've sprayed her mouthful of iced tea all over the place.

There was a sharp turn up ahead, and something seemed to be on the road. Jasper's expression turned grave, "It's a spike strip."

No need to guess, they had run into professional robbers.

These were unavoidable on the road to the military and official bases. It was a survivor's hell and a robber's paradise.

Every day, numerous survivors and vehicles would pass by. These robbers could easily make a killing.


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