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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 270

In response to Evan's question, Jasper answered honestly, "There were some modifications made before and after the disasters."

"Quality work, I must say. You rammed a Maybach into oblivion, yet your car didn't have a scratch. You must have spent a hefty sum on modifications, huh?"

"Not much, really. Just some tinkering on my own," Jasper shrugged.

Evan glanced at the two of them, "Can you tell me what happened today?"

Women were proficient in verbal warfare, Stella shared the story of how the wealthy residents of the community ganged up against them, all the way to Bran charging at them with his vehicle. It took her a good hour to cover everything.

Evan, fighting off drowsiness, barely managed to suppress a yawn.

"According to witnesses, you guys were armed with explosives and grenades, both of which are legally prohibited."

"Nonsense," Stella retorted without batting an eye. "They were just trying to frame us. If you don't believe me, feel free to search."

Evan did conduct a search, ordering his officers to thoroughly inspect the vehicle.

Next, his eyes landed on the timid little girl, "Sweetie, are you sure you didn't have any explosives or grenades?"

Scared, Rosie hid behind Jasper, peeking out from behind him, "Officer, we didn't have any of those. They're the bad guys. They wouldn't let us into the community and even had an alpaca spit at us. I'm really hurt, I got hit by the seat belt."

She was telling the truth, Rosie's small shoulders bore injuries from the seat belt.

After a thorough search of the vehicle, they found nothing. Evan's gaze was intense and sharp, "May we check your residence?"

"Sure," Stella responded confidently.

When the they left the house, she made sure to hide anything questionable in the Arcadia.

Just as they were about to leave, the walkie-talkie rang, "Evan, there's been a murder in the west of New Town. Six people are dead."

Regret flashed across Evan's face, "We'll have to leave it at this for today. We will contact you later."

Watching the police car drive off, Stella and Jasper remained silent, driving their Hummer back home.

Hearing the familiar sound of their car, Cooper, was scratching at the door. As the door opened, Cooper charged at Stella, "Woof, woof, woof."

Once they parked the car in the garage, Jasper checked the surroundings to ensure nothing was amiss before locking the doors.

"Are you worried they planted a listening device?"

"Better safe than sorry. Ordinary people might not, but the police could."

Once inside, they locked the doors.

Stella asked, "Why do you think Evan gave up halfway?"

With the Porras family exerting pressure, they should have taken this matter seriously.

Jasper pondered, "Evan might have recognized us."

Not that they looked familiar, but he might have guessed about the Silver Asylum incident.

In the past life, Jasper had worked with him. He was a wise, brave, and open-minded man, capable of adapting to the changing circumstances.

There were too many loopholes, and he had no reason not to investigate further. Even if he couldn't guess that Stella had the Arcadia, it wouldn't be hard for him to find them with his capabilities.

Jasper didn't tell the truth, just to put her mind at ease.

Evan didn't dispatch additional police force to thoroughly investigate the incident at the base, indicating he had his own considerations, including today's incident. Regardless, they couldn't let their guard down.

"Stella, if you're not comfortable living here, we can find another place."


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