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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 295

"Don't patronize me." Bran sounded surprised as he heard her indifferent tone. "After ignoring all my calls, I thought you'd been taken by them."

"Don't worry. They stand no chance against me."

"Just so you know," Bran boasted, "I shot six of them with a single bullet, scared the hell out of those bastards and they all ran off in their cars."

Bran went on and on, waxing lyrical about his own bravery. "Stella, the neighborhood is safe now. You can take a stroll around if you like."

Stella had had enough of his chatter and hung up.

It wasn't Bran's heroics that had secured their safety. The security team, except for those who resigned or refused to go along with the criminals, had only about twenty-something people in total. They had looted several homes, gaining a lot of supplies, so of course, they had to make a quick getaway. If they pushed the residents of the neighborhood to their limits, they wouldn't stand a chance.

After all, many homeowners had guns.

They had stolen a lot of supplies, yes, but they had also lost several of their own, thanks to the Porras family's guns. They had probably lost at least a third of their numbers.

If they didn't leave now, when would they? They couldn't risk the mob breaking in.

"We can't let our guard down," Jasper warned, his expression grave. "They know the neighborhood too well. Even if the mob doesn't break in, they might gather forces and come back."

Hopefield was a prime piece of real estate, dripping with wealth. It was inevitable that someone would want a piece of it. Stella felt the same way.

After breakfast, the two of them started training, working to keep their physical condition at its peak.

Rosie was busy pounding the couch with her fists, and Cooper was hanging out in the hallway.

Around noon, Cody got in touch again. "Stella, are you guys okay?"

"We're fine. How about you?"

"We're okay. Just a few minor injuries."

Cody's end was quiet, probably safe. Stella thought about Jasper's past life and couldn't help but ask, "How's the police station?"

"A few people got hurt, but overall, we're okay."

The police and the military had been prepared for this eternal night. The military base in Lincoln had started developing supplies two years ago, providing large shipments of ammunition, bulletproof vests, stab-proof clothing, and the latest night vision goggles to cities all over.

All four of them had been given equipment. The security patrollers didn't have guns, but they had high-voltage stun batons and stab-proof clothing.

The night vision goggles were a game-changer. They couldn't turn night into day, but they made it possible to see people clearly in the dark. The rioters had nowhere to hide. However, the rioters' momentum was too strong. If they surged forward like a massive wave, it was almost impossible to hold them back.

Stella was excited. These were things she hadn't had in her past life. With the support of the military base, the police and military in the major cities didn't have to fight hand-to-hand when they ran out of bullets, as they had in their past life. They didn't have to fall in a blaze of glory.

"You guys don't need to worry about it," Cody assured her. "The police have prepared a lot of equipment, like pepper spray and blinding flashlights. And I heard that reinforcements from the military are on their way."

After ending the call, Stella told Jasper the latest news. She rested her head lightly on his shoulder. "You don't need to feel guilty or anxious. Things are different this time."

The violence would continue, but it wouldn't be as horrific as in their past life.

Even though he never said so, Stella knew that things were different this time because of him.

Just as Jasper was about to speak, they heard a chilling sound in the distance. They went to the balcony and saw countless torches in the darkness, swarming into the neighborhood.

They were here. The rioters were here!

Cooper sensed the change in the atmosphere. His fur stood on end and he let out a low growl.

The three of them, and the dog, quickly put on their bulletproof vests and headed to the rooftop.

Under the night vision goggles, groups of refugees surged into the neighborhood like a tide, wielding various weapons as they invaded the houses.


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