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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 301

Under the promise of a hefty bounty, brave souls inevitably emerged—never underestimating the power of the common folk. Whether they transformed into vigilant neighborhood watch groups or assembled as a vigilante posse, there was strength in numbers.

Most of the thugs were armed with nothing more than crudely fashioned clubs or common kitchen knives. For those prepared to bet it all, the lines of fear often became blurred. Lukas was buzzing with excitement as he called Stella, "Hey, Stella! Our building rallied a 50-strong posse, and in just one day, we nabbed over 20 thugs in the neighborhood and actually scored the reward!"

They were all flesh and bone, with really nothing to fear. With overwhelming numbers and fierce determination, many thugs had no choice but to surrender.

Lukas and Cody, having grown up in an orphanage, were used to living by others' whims. One ended up dating for survival, the other faced the world's scorn while hustling from door to door. When disaster struck, they became security patrol officers—acting had become their forte.

Not to mention, the folks of Eastwood Eden were a tight-knit bunch, schooled in the art of persuasion and street smarts by the likes of Luke and Cody, while Monkey and his crew were akin to award-winning actors. When confronting thugs, each individual swells with a ferocity as powerful as a dragon devouring mountains and rivers. They brandish their weapons and rush forward with vigorous war cries, creating a scene as intense as an unyielding army barrelling towards you.

Tell me, wouldn't that scare you?

Stella, ever curious, asked, "What happens to the thugs after they're taken to the police station?"

"Heavy crimes call for heavy punishment. The worst offenders get a taste of their own medicine, then it's off to the waste-to-energy plant; minor offenders are put to work in hard labor."

Lukas admired Stella’s foresight; owning apartments near the police station made for a safer existence. The youth of Eastwood Eden had been mentored by the legendary Jasper, and although Monkey and his lot were a bit less adept physically, their cunning and mischief made for a harmonious blend of talents.

Not like Lukas' old place, where one had to sleep with a knife under the pillow, always on guard for a sneak attack.

Stella warned, "This unrest likely won't settle down anytime soon, so keep your eyes peeled."

"You and Jasper as well—lots of folks in the suburbs are packing heat. Ordinary thugs might not dare mess with you, but the real baddies? That's a different story."

That was precisely Stella's concern. Since the military's crackdown, coupled with a few scorch-the-earth maneuvers, many thugs had learned to steer clear of the suburbs, at least for a while. But there were always a few itching to make a move, thinking they had the chops to sneak over high walls undetected. Yet, before they could even touch the villa's door, they'd either be mauled by guard dogs or caught at gunpoint by the patrol.

These vigilantes were no cops and didn’t mind resort to violence—if you came in standing, you'd leave lying down.

After several such incidents, the community adjusted, no longer the panicked mess they were during the Long Night.

Evan and the others were recuperating at the Porras residence, giving Bran plenty of reasons to bombard Stella with updates. He had become a chatterbox, pestering her every half hour.

"Stella, Evan's awake."

"Stella, I think Evan just farted."

"Stella, Evan's a bit slow. You don't think he got knocked silly, do you?"

"Ugh, I'm bored. Missing one for a game, you in?"

Stella had her limits, "Bran, what the hell is wrong with you?"

Bran had no choice; being cooped up was agony. Stella and Jasper's boldness had left an impression; he felt the other rich kids paled in comparison. Nothing could stop him from wanting to rub shoulders with the strong.

He'd bet his reputation that there was something special between Evan and those from Building 50—some unseen bond pulling them together. Bran was desperate to figure it out.


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