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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 317

As Stella pondered the origins of the smog blanketing the city, the walkie-talkie crackled to life with the voice of the patrol team announcing that someone was looking for her at the entrance of the complex.

It was peculiar. Who would venture out into the eternal night just to see her? Every breath outside was a gamble with death.

An unexpected visitor at such a critical time was seldom a bearer of simple news.

Concerned for Stella’s safety, Jasper accompanied her to the gate.

Expecting someone from Eastwood Eden, Stella was surprised to see Katie and her grandson Joey waiting anxiously.

Katie was beside herself with panic. Upon seeing Stella, she rushed over. “Stella, can you deliver a baby?”

Stella was taken aback. Sure, she had dabbled in a bit of traditional medicine and simple surgeries over the years, but childbirth was something she had never considered.

After her rebirth, she thought she’d only have to focus on surviving with Cooper. Even after falling in love with Jasper, the thought of pregnancy never crossed her mind.

In a world of disasters, staying alive was hard enough for adults, let alone for women to bear children, essentially gambling with their lives.

With the struggle to secure even basic necessities, many women had stopped menstruating, and even those who hadn’t, faced the risk of bearing deformed children if their nutrition was poor. In the end, the suffering fell on the woman.

Angela was a living testament to this – once strong and healthy, she became nothing but skin and bones after a miscarriage and a long battle with illness. 0Even after recovering and years of conditioning, she was never the same.

Katie, usually so astute and resilient, appeared to have not escaped the societal pressures of carrying on the family line.

Of course, there might have been other reasons, but these were personal choices that Stella had no place questioning. “Katie, I’ve studied medicine, but I only had a year of it and didn’t get very far. I can handle a headache or fever, but delivering a baby? That’s really not my forte.”

Katie clutched Stella’s hands desperately. “Molly’s in labor, and it's not going well. We can't find a doctor in time. Stella, can you please help? I’m begging you.”

Joey explained further, “We’ve been looking for a midwife for months, but we couldn’t find one. When we finally did, she turned out to be a fraud who knew nothing about childbirth. And now Molly’s having complications.”

Seeing their distress, Stella was torn, unsure how to refuse.

Over the years, she had watched familiar faces disappear one by one. Aside from a few like Cody and Lukas, the Moore family was closest to Stella. She knew Katie well enough to know that she wouldn't ask for help unless there was no other option.

"I really don't know about delivering babies, but I can try to help in any way I can." In the end, she couldn't bring herself to say no.

Katie's voice broke with gratitude. "Stella, thank you."

Stella and Jasper went to retrieve the car, while Katie stood in the cold wind, regretfully pounding her forehead. "It's all my fault. Why did I bring up the topic of having children with young people... If anything happens to Molly, how could I explain to her parents in the afterlife."

"Mom, it's not your fault." Joey quickly comforted her. "You just mentioned it briefly, and both of them knew the risks of having children in this post-apocalyptic world. They didn't plan on having one. It's just that they're a young couple, and the pregnancy was an accident. Please don't blame yourself for everything."

"You don't understand, Mikey is such a dutiful child, and he has a great relationship with Molly. If something happens, it would be like me sending a black-haired person to the netherworld." Katie's voice trembled.

"Mom, it really has nothing to do with you. This is just an accident. No one intended for it to happen!" Joey reassured her sincerely.

Stella and Jasper hurried back to their home to gather surgical tools, necessary medications, and herbs for postnatal care.

Rosie, now 11, was more than capable of taking care of herself and Cooper. An average adult man was no match for her. "Jasper, Stella, I can take care of myself and Cooper. Go ahead, there’s no need to worry," Rosie insisted, refusing to be left at the neighbors. In times of danger, she had her own weapons.

Jasper had taught Rosie everything he knew. She was not only diligent and intelligent but also exceptionally gifted.


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