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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 333

After hanging up the phone, Stella resumed her search for Lukas, her heart pounding with the hope that they were all still there. When she heard her voice, Lukas stayed silent for a long time.

Stella was taken aback; she thought she heard a choke in his voice.

"Stella, where did you go?"

After so many years of natural disasters, Lukas had forgotten what it was like to cry, but now, he couldn't hold back, "We thought... you and Jasper were gone."

There was a long silence on Stella's end, "We got infected. We took a chance and headed to Swan Hill, not knowing if we'd find any medicine. We didn't want to worry you, so we didn't say anything."

Stella had access to the research institute not only because she had some medical knowledge but also thanks to Collin's special care.

Collin let Jasper, Rosie and Cooper in, for the sake of the debt of a life once saved.

Outside, the institute was besieged by people seeking treatment—hundreds couldn't get in, and even those admitted were selectively chosen by the researchers. She was there on someone else's goodwill. How could she take care of others?

After much thought, she decided not to reveal the full truth and simply said they had to leave for a few days.

By fortune, Cody and Lukas had better physical constitutions than most, and their daily regimen of herbal infusions meant their symptoms were much lighter.

Stella breathed a sigh of relief; to return from the brink and find those she cared about still alive was a beautiful feeling.

She didn't seek out Bran, confident that with the Porras family's influence, they were already pulling strings to secure medicine.

The Porras family itself was a large clan, and deciding who got the medicine was a delicate matter, so she put her worries aside.

The medicine was to cure, but whom to give it to was critical. Stella left that choice to Jasper. Who could Jasper choose? Cody, Lukas, and their close circle were sure to get it. As for the others... Start with Austin and his son. If they were willing to try, they could go first. Once their treatment showed effects, they could consider the next steps.

If they gave out the medicine too freely, what about those who didn't get any? This had to be kept a secret.

The treatment wasn't a hundred percent safe, and everyone's tolerance varied. If it not only failed to work but also caused harm, what then?

Stella agreed and left the decision to Austin, "The medicine is from the institute, but it's not guaranteed to work for everyone. If you want to try, go ahead, but we take no responsibility for any consequences. You must consider this carefully."

Even a vaccine could cause allergic reactions in the unlucky few.

Austin trusted their judgment and decided to test the medicine on himself first. If he made it through, then he would let his son try.

Over the high walls, the medicine bottle was tossed to him.

Austin handed over all the keys to his son, including those to the storerooms and the food in the basement. "Dylan, you're 13 now, grown up. If something happens to me, you have to survive, do better than I did, hold out till the end!" He swallowed the medicine after his speech.

Stella repeated similar advice to Lukas.

Without hesitation, Lukas said, "Stella, if anything happens, we'll take responsibility for our own lives. We won't blame you or Jasper."

He came to get the medicine, looking emaciated through the haze, almost mistaken for a zombie. Afraid of infecting Stella, he covered his nose with layers of fabric and kept his distance.

"Survive the first course, and remember to build your strength for the second," Stella advised.

She too was weakened and, after distributing the medicine, went home to rest in the darkened house.

In the morning, the news came: Austin, Lukas, Cody, and everyone else had made it through, though utterly exhausted.

Austin's spirits were high, "Thanks to you, my son cooked chicken soup for us today."

Cody and Lukas were fine, and Angela and Kitty had also pulled through.


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