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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 352

Mount Oak loomed ominously just a few dozen miles from Griffith's suburban sprawl. If that sleeping giant ever decided to wake up, its molten fury would be more than enough to swallow the city whole.

Even if it didn't come to a full-blown eruption, the ashfall and air pollution alone could spell disaster.

"Half the neighborhood's already packing up," Bran asked with a frown. "Should we be hitting the road too?"

Griffith's town hall was lit up all night as officials scrambled for a game plan, but by morning, there was still no clear directive. Shane, the family patriarch, was torn with indecision.

Bran didn't hesitate. "I say we bolt. If the mountain decides to play nice, we can always come back."

They had a comfortable cushion of wealth, but compared to the government's resources, they were traveling light.

The eldest and the middle Porras siblings weighed in. "Dad, Bran's got a point. The bigwigs have too much at stake to make a quick exit—industries, residents, the whole shebang. But we can afford to play it safe."

Nobody wanted to think about a catastrophe, but if it came knocking, there wouldn't be enough time to lace up your running shoes.

After wrestling with the decision, Shane finally declared, "We're moving out."

The Porras household sprang into action, each member taking on their share of the preparations.

Shane, watching his family hustle, felt the weight of the world on his shoulders. He beckoned his eldest into the study. "Aside from the government safe zone, we've got no other fallback."

It was humbling to think of returning after a false alarm, but with deep pockets and the right connections, they'd manage. Pride was a small price to pay in the face of annihilation.

"Pop, I'll handle the talks when it's time," Bran assured him.

Years had shaved away the reckless bravado of Bran's youth.

Shane looked at his son with a mix of pride and sorrow. "Son, while we head to the government shelter, I need you to take a different path."

Bran was taken aback. "What are you talking about?"

"You're heading to the Kindle Society." Shane stood, clapping Bran on the shoulder with firm resolve. "With your skills, you'll get in. No doubt about it."

Bran couldn't fathom why his father would split the family.

Despite their fortune, the Porras had only one standout—Bran.

Shane feared the worst—that the Porras name might be wiped out in one fell swoop.

The Kindle Society was no ordinary refuge. It boasted stringent governance, cutting-edge technology, and formidable defense capabilities. It was the Big Leagues, far beyond what any government shelter could offer.

A whole family wouldn't stand a chance, but Bran, as a lone wolf, might just squeeze in.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. The Porras lineage had to endure.

Bran was dumbfounded. "Dad, you're talking crazy."

"I've got your brothers, and your mother has us. Just focus on making it to the Kindle Society. Don't overthink it. If we get through this, we'll be reunited. If not..."

Shane took a deep breath. "Don't screw this up. Live!"

Bran's head buzzed with disbelief. "We're family. There's no reason to split up."

Even in the chaos of the government shelter, the Porras could buy their way into special consideration.

Shane, suddenly impassioned, let his walking stick do the talking. "How old are you to still be acting so damn stubborn?"


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