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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 354

Black smoke billowed into the sky, rapidly ascending and spreading. Following the dark spectacle, plumes of ash-gray fog erupted, soon accompanied by flickering tongues of black and red flames. The flames shot from the mountaintop like a colossal blowtorch, reaching dozens of meters into the air, continuously feeding the dark smoke above.

Molten lava spewed in all directions, splattering like grotesque fireworks. The blaze, the thick smoke, the flowing magma—they all expanded uncontrollably, like a hellish demon freed after eons, its ghastly visage unfurling claws and teeth, lunging at the insignificant humans below. Indeed, the volcano had erupted.

For a moment, everyone was paralyzed with shock.

"Move it!" Jasper's voice cut through the chaos, low and urgent.

Stella snapped out of her trance, quickly ushering Rosie and Cooper into the car, reminding them to buckle up. The streets were in turmoil as people frantically scrambled for their vehicles. In their haste, accidents happened—one car after another collided, creating a new tragedy.

Jasper remained composed, his quick reflexes steering them clear of the wreckage, safely and swiftly driving forward. Stella glanced back to see the volcanic ash staining half the sky, the red glow of molten lava capriciously flicking its fiery limbs.

This was her first experience with a volcanic eruption. Even from miles away, the air felt scorching and oppressive, distant objects warping and trembling. The tremors, even at this distance, bore witness to the severity of the eruption. Could those on foot possibly outrun the devastation?

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Stella remained vigilant. Pedestrians and vehicles alike sped away from the disaster, all hoping to put as much distance as possible between them and the ash cloud. Out of the corner of her eye, Stella noticed helicopters in the sky—more than one. Whether private or government, she couldn't tell. Air, land, and sea resources were likely being deployed, everyone pulling out all stops in a desperate bid for survival.

The road was treacherous, crowded with cars and people, each moment threatening a new accident, demanding her full attention. They pulled over for a break, to relieve themselves and stretch. Tensions were high; Stella observed a group nearby break into a fight over some petty disagreement while she quietly munched on her granola bar.

After filling her stomach, she took out her binoculars and searched for signs of Griffith. Odd, the ash seemed to have cleared so quickly.

"Oh my God, what is that?!" someone screamed behind her, followed by panicked shouts. Stella turned to look and her pupils dilated in horror. A massive dust storm, swirling with sand, soil, pebbles, and dead branches, was devouring the landscape, barreling straight toward them. A dust storm, here of all places!

Though recent years had seen a spate of natural disasters that left rivers dry and forests dead, causing extensive soil erosion, it was unthinkable for a dust storm to rise here. But there was no time for contemplation as the gale hit with a vengeance, whipping up debris and plunging the world into darkness.


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