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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 365

Stella woke up feeling eyes on her. She rubbed her eyes and there he was—Jasper. Their gazes locked, neither wanting to look away.

"Stella, is this a dream?" His voice was rough, barely a whisper.

Stella tried to smile, but it came out more like a grimace. "Jasper, are you trying to scare me to death?"

Jasper’s mind slowly cleared. He reached out and grabbed Stella's hand, this time with a warm, firm grip.

Stella gently touched his pale, gaunt face. "Why were you so reckless, giving your meds to Cooper?"

Jasper covered her hand with his, taking a moment before answering. "Cooper means everything to you. I wanted him to survive, to be there for you when I couldn’t."

If he weren't so weak, Stella would have slapped him. "Jasper, you need to love yourself first. If you don't love yourself, how can you love anyone else?"

Jasper didn't argue. He just kept looking at her, unable to break the connection.

Stella leaned closer, resting her head on his chest. "Promise me you won't do anything this foolish again."

"I promise."

"And remember to love yourself."

"Got it. I'll listen to you."

They held each other tightly, not wanting to let go even for a second. Jasper felt her tears and stroked her hair. "How did you find me?"

"It was Cooper." Stella nestled against his shoulder. "He saw the fireworks I set off and braved all the obstacles to find me."

Jasper was given a nutrient IV and some nourishing soup. As he regained some strength, Stella asked, "What happened with you and Cooper?"

Jasper’s memory drifted back to the chaos. He hadn’t been able to hold onto his sister’s hand but had managed to clutch Cooper. The dust storm was brutal, flinging them around. When he came to, they were both injured, Cooper’s belly slashed by a flying rock.

Stumbling through the storm, they were tossed around multiple times, Jasper’s thigh getting injured. They eventually found a cave for shelter, though he had no idea how long it took.

The rest was as Stella had guessed. The storm raged on, and with limited medical supplies, Jasper tended to Cooper’s wounds, rationing most of their food and water for the dog.

As more survivors sought refuge, some eyed Cooper hungrily. Jasper held out until the storm stopped, but by then, he couldn’t move and had to let Cooper go. But Cooper didn’t leave; he stayed to guard Jasper.

What happened after that, Jasper couldn’t know. He never imagined Cooper would not only protect him but also find a way to save them both. Maybe it was fate—if Cooper hadn’t seen the fireworks, Jasper might never have awakened.

Jasper patted the dog’s head. "Good boy." Cooper suddenly broke down, whimpering softly.

After calming Cooper, Jasper tried to sit up, anxiety clear in his voice. "What about Rosie?"

"Don't worry about Rosie. She's volunteering at the relief camp. She’ll be fine."


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