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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 395

Stella held the walkie-talkie tight, her sharp, icy stare fixed on Julia and her daughter. “Yeah, we’ve got a situation here.”

Daniel was in a good mood. “Go on, I’m listening.”

“Your precious Julia paid a homeless guy to kill me. Thought I wouldn’t make it, didn’t she? Well, surprise, I’m still here. I’ve got all the proof I need. You better get down here now, or I can’t promise your wife and daughter will still be in one piece when you arrive.”

Daniel was stunned but quickly gathered himself. “Stella, if this is true, I’ll make sure justice is done. Don’t do anything crazy.”

“I’m not interested in justice. I want payback.”

Stella switched off the walkie-talkie and marched straight towards Julia.

Julia, realizing she was trapped, grabbed Lillian’s hand to make a run for it, but a snarling dog blocked their way.

“Ah!” Julia screamed in terror.

She tripped and nearly fell, but Stella yanked her by the hair and slammed her face into the glass door!

This place used to be a glass factory, and the mall was stocked with valuable goods, so all the glass was shatterproof and bulletproof.

The glass was fine, but Julia’s face wasn’t. Blood poured from a gash on her head.

Two of her teeth were knocked out, and blood gushed from her nose.

Stella didn’t let up, smashing Julia’s head into the glass three more times, leaving her face bloodied and her body slumped on the ground like a broken doll, twitching helplessly, unable to even cry for help.

Lillian screamed and lunged at Stella.

Stella didn’t hold back, slapping her hard across the face.

The force sent Lillian crashing into the glass, seeing stars.

Holding her numb, throbbing cheek, Lillian looked at Stella in shock. “Stella, how could you hit me?”

“And who do you think you are?” Stella shot back coldly. “You knew Julia was out to get me, and you did nothing, even encouraged her. For a shameless beast like you, why wouldn’t I hit you?”

Julia was foolish, but Lillian was cunning and ruthless, willing to do anything to survive. Stella didn’t believe for a second that Lillian was unaware of Julia’s malice; she was all too pleased by it.

Stella was alive, not because of their mercy, but by her own grit and wits.

“Lies!” Lillian quivered with rage. “We don’t even know you; why would we want you dead?”

“Don’t know me?” Stella laughed. “Yet you screamed my name in panic?”

It was a slip in the heat of the moment that Stella wouldn’t let go, but Lillian was quick to retort. “Do you realize the crime of slandering a military family?”

“Military family?” Stella almost burst out laughing. “Did Daniel marry you? Does he acknowledge your child with another man as his own? If so, he’s dishonoring his uniform by having an affair; if not, you’re the one smearing a soldier’s name.”

Lillian didn’t expect Stella to be so tough, ready to go down fighting.

She was willing to bet it all, but Lillian was not.

It was a trap laid by Stella, and Lillian wouldn’t fall for it.

Guilty consciences speak volumes, and besides, Daniel was a high-ranking officer. Escalating the situation would do her and her daughter no favors.

Pulling up her bloodied daughter, Lillian wanted to leave quickly. There was no point in a brawl with Stella – they could plan their next move later.

Chapter 395 1


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