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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 418

Thank goodness we didn't bombard Rosie with too much info about natural disasters. Even so, Jasper felt a nervous twitch in his toes. "These waters are tricky, maybe another current's colliding with us. But we can't let our guard down; what if it hits again? We're sticking to the escape pod today."

Stella pulled a packed lunch from her bag, "Don't stress so much. The world is vast, but nothing's more important than a good meal. Only with a full belly can we take on a storm."

Rosie, usually so vibrant, had been sheltered too much. Seeing so many survivors and their ships sink, and the overwhelming force of the storm, had rattled her deeply, leaving her with little appetite.

Nature's wrath was harsh, but she had to learn to adapt.

Jasper handed her a calming drink, "Rosie, relax and get some sleep."

After sipping the drink, Rosie closed her eyes, but her grip on her brother's hand never loosened.

In the dead of night, she seemed to have a nightmare, muttering under her breath, sweat beading on her forehead, her body occasionally twitching.

Stella packed up the escape pod and transferred them to the submarine.

Though the Arcadia wasn't exactly spacious, it was at least safe.

Jasper laid his sister on a metal bunk and didn't forget to fasten the safety belt around her, just in case they hit another ocean tempest.

Stella was cautious by nature, "Ocean storms don't usually last too long, but the sea is unpredictable and dangerous. We've only got one sub; let's wait till tomorrow before venturing out."

Arcadia was hers, and Jasper had no objections.

Not just Rosie, even Stella and Jasper, despite their two lifetimes, were facing such a capricious and dangerous marine disaster for the first time. To say they weren't shaken would be a lie.

But with experience comes resilience, and they soon adjusted their mindset.

After securing everything, they headed to the neighboring quarters to sleep. Exhausted, they fell into a deep slumber.

Arcadia was serene and safe, but outside the storm raged on, lightning flashed, thunder roared, and the ocean, like an enraged dragon, never ceased its roaring waves, as if trying to tear the world apart.

Jasper set his alarm for five in the morning.

Concerned that the storm might still be raging, Stella made sure her safety belt was tightly fastened.

As the submarine submerged, the silence was profound.

It seemed the sea had thrown its tantrum and calmed down after wreaking havoc the night before—madness!

Stella climbed the ladder and emerged from the hatch.

At five in the morning, the horizon was tinged with the pale light of dawn.

The sea was as calm as a mirror, reflecting the growing light of dawn, starting with a faint red that brightened as the sun rose...

Such was the nature of the wild, terrifying yet irresistibly captivating.

The morning dew was heavy, and Jasper, worried she might catch a cold, draped his jacket over her shoulders, "What's on your mind?"

"Do you think there's any land left?" Stella leaned against him, gazing out at the sea, "Or is it possible that some places were spared by the disaster, just undiscovered?"

The ocean was like a poppy flower, alluring yet daunting in its peril.

Still, Stella preferred the solid ground beneath her feet.

"Maybe there are places spared," Jasper sat down beside her. "Even if there aren't, we have coordinates. One day we'll find land again."

Thinking of those coordinates, a light of hope seemed to flicker again in Stella's heart.

When it came to artificial islands, there was no match for the prowess of the East.

Now, they might not have the means, but as long as they held onto the technology and equipment, returning to land might not be just a dream.

The sunrise was beautiful, the morning sun hung low, and the sea shimmered like it was sprinkled with gold.

Stella couldn't help but marvel at the sight a little longer when Cooper called from below—Rosie was awake.

After a good night's sleep, Rosie seemed much more energetic, and Jasper made sure she came up for some fresh air, to witness the ocean's beauty after its tantrum had passed.

Submerging wasn't something they could do on a whim.


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