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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 47

After receiving a sweet kiss from his owner, Cooper was so elated that he started spinning in circles, nearly wetting himself in excitement.

Rosie, not to be outdone, clung to her arm, "Stella, it's so scary outside. There's water everywhere. It's flooding the houses, but Rosie isn't scared."

"That's my brave girl."

Rewarding the two with a piece of candy each, Stella headed downstairs to assist in carrying firewood. The water tank was massive, and it took the strength of three men to hoist it up to the roof.

After securing the inflatable boat and rubber raft upstairs, Angela unzipped her large backpack to reveal a plastic bag containing a snake and two wild rabbits.

"We had to travel far, to Ivywood Estates. The place is almost entirely submerged underwater. The water tank was Jasper's idea. We planned to head straight back after getting it but Cooper dashed off into the hills."

Fearing for Cooper's safety, they hurriedly pursued him, only to find him engaged in a battle with a snake. With quick reflexes, Jasper managed to decapitate the snake with a military shovel.

The group was thrilled about the extra food brought in by the snake, but Cooper was still not ready to leave.

Unable to argue with the dog, they continued to collect firewood as they ventured deeper into the hills, where Cooper found a rabbit burrow.

"Stella, you’ve struck gold. This isn't just a dog. It's practically a godsend."

Stella chuckled, "Cooper has spent years surviving on the streets. He’s much stronger than us."

Angela was amazed, "I've never seen a dog so smart. He even climbed trees. If it hadn't been for Jasper, we wouldn't have been able to control him. He was so unwilling to return home even after dark."

Greed was a dog's nature; only a dog that had experienced hunger would have the desperate urge to hoard food. Thinking back to the pig they hunted last time, it was no wonder Cooper was reluctant to come back.

Stella didn't go out, but she contributed by guarding the home, and her dog was a great hunter, so they agreed to share the spoils equally. She didn't want to take advantage of the situation, but Angela and the others insisted, "Cooper is one of us. He's contributed as much as any of us have. If you feel bad, then take charge of the cooking. We'll assist."

In the end, Stella didn't cook, instead, she guided Jasper in the kitchen.

The snake was skinned and gutted, then stewed with a bowl of black beans in the pressure cooker. The two plump rabbits were prepared two ways: one braised, and the other grilled. They also had a stir-fry of fresh vegetables and a bowl of mixed grain rice. Everyone was thoroughly satisfied.

"Stella, we're planning to head out again tomorrow," Cody asked, "Would you like to join us?"

The wealthy residents of the villa had already relocated, so there wouldn't be any food left, but much of the furniture was made of solid wood and could be chopped into firewood.

In addition, the water tower on the roof was a great asset, and they planned to bring back a couple more. Each household could then have one, eliminating the need to collect rainwater from the balcony.

Jasper suddenly suggested, "There are quite a few water towers over there. Why don't we bring back more? Even if the rain stops, the water supply won't resume immediately. We need to plan for water storage."

Cody and the others were taken aback, but soon agreed with his proposal. Jasper and Stella both had strong survival skills; it wouldn't hurt to listen and follow their advice.

Stella had no objections, "Angela, we need to leave one person behind. Who do you think would be best?"

Angela was restless staying at home all day, "I'll go, but we have to bring Cooper."

"Woof!" Cooper agreed.

"I'll go too," Rosie eagerly raised her hand, "I can help collect firewood."

Jasper wanted her to experience the outside world, "Alright, but no crying."

"I won't cry," Rosie rubbed her bottom, "I fell today and didn't cry."

So, it was decided that Stella would stay behind at base camp, and Cooper would fight on her behalf.


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