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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 71

Having slept the day away, Stella was wide awake and ready to continue exploring Arcadia by night.

She had harvested the peppers, eggplants, and cucumbers from her garden, and now the grapevines on the old tree were starting to ripen. The grapes were turning from a vibrant green to a deep, sun-kissed red. She guessed they would be ready to pick in about a month.

There weren't many grapes this first year, only about ten bunches, but she estimated she would get around fifty pounds when they were fully ripe.

On a whim, Stella decided to try and pick a grape using her consciousness. She didn't hold out much hope, as she had never been successful at harvesting this way before, but to her surprise, a single, ripe grape appeared in her hand.

This unexpected success brought a surge of joy, and she quickly tried to pull some vegetables from the garden. She was successful in pulling a few, but the effort left her feeling dizzy and drained.

Stella wondered if she could use this new ability to till her garden. After the dizziness passed, she decided to give it a try. She was able to till the soil, but only for a short while before her energy was depleted.

She wondered why she had been successful now when she had tried before without any results. Could it be due to her increased physical strength from her daily workouts?

Overjoyed by her discovery, Stella realized that she could train her mind just like her physical strength, saving time and making full use of her garden.

She planted corn, peanuts, sweet potatoes, regular potatoes, soybeans, green beans – everything she could think of.

Stella practiced this new technique all night, managing to till around 50 square feet of soil before exhaustion forced her to collapse onto her bed.

Cooper, her loyal dog, sensing something was off, came over and sniffed around her. "Woof, woof…" Cooper seemed worried. What was wrong with his owner?

Stella shared her excitement with Cooper, "We'll have more food now, Cooper. Are you happy?"

"Woof!" Cooper spun around in excitement, clearly pleased with the news.

The next day, Stella continued to till the soil with her mind until she was exhausted, then finally got up to have breakfast. She opened the curtains and was shocked to see that it was snowing outside. Snow in the South was a rare sight, usually only seen during natural disasters.

The snowflakes were small and light, barely noticeable unless you looked closely.

Stella frowned. In her previous life, it had been extremely cold, but now it was snowing? Things were definitely different!

The extreme cold was already deadly enough, but now they had to deal with snow as well? The floodwaters had already reached the sixth floor. If there was a snowstorm, they would have to go even higher. Would this city end up buried?

The thought was terrifying.

Just as she finished breakfast, there was a knock at the door. A meeting was being held at number 1803, regarding the water situation.

The previous day had been so cold that everyone had stayed indoors, huddled around their fires for warmth. Today was even colder, but at least they could breathe a little easier.

Cody and Lukas were bundled up like snowballs. Their hands and feet still trembled from the cold. "The water tower is frozen. How are we going to get water?"

Stella had water in Arcadia, so she wasn't worried. But she couldn't let the others know that, so she feigned concern. "Yeah, what are we going to do?"

Cody scratched his head. "I didn't shower yesterday, and I feel uncomfortable."

Stella quickly agreed, "Me too, my scalp itches."

When even Stella, the life-hacks expert, didn't have a solution, everyone's hopes fell on Jasper. With everyone's attention on him, Jasper took a deep breath. "It looks like it was snowing earlier."

Although the snowfall was light, if they collected enough of it, it could be used.

Stella went along with his idea. "Are you suggesting that we go up to the rooftop to collect snow?"


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