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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 73

In the past, there was indeed a tax on food provisions, three pounds per person per week. If you couldn't cough it up, the consequences were severe.

Young men and women were taken out for amusement, while the older folk had to scrounge for supplies. Of course, you could always leave if you didn't agree with the system. But the choices were either freezing or starving to death.

These wicked practices were rampant, not just in Sunrise Sanctuary, but everywhere. The government would send police to clear out the culprits, but they always seemed to get wind of it. They'd play a cunning game of hide and seek, either hiding in survivor’s homes or returning after the police had left.

The survivors always bore the brunt of it all.

"Two households on the 17th floor didn't make it. We're thinking of moving into 1701, and there's another family who wants to move up to 1702. So, I came to ask."

Stella understood. The Moore family wanted to be closer for mutual support. It wasn't her place to decide who lived where, but she still had to voice her concerns.

"You can live wherever you want, but think it through. Not just the people in this building, but others will have their eyes on us. If they break in, those on the 17th floor will be the first to face them. Times are tough for everyone, and I can only look after myself. I can't take care of anyone else."

The Moores were indeed seeking refuge and would be feeling safer being next to the 18th floor, considering the chaos outside.

Stella was straightforward, to which Katie responded with an awkward smile. "We're all at the mercy of fate. It's not like we're asking you youngsters for protection. Moving to the 17th floor would just give us some peace of mind. We won't be a burden."

After exchanging pleasantries, Katie left, and Stella saw her off. On the staircase, there was a letter addressed to Stella.

Ah, finally!

Stella remained calm, pocketing the letter without reading it. She went to 1803 immediately, gathered the group, and told them about Katie's concerns.

Hearing about Drew's evil deeds, Angela was livid. "That beast, I'll kill him!"

But in these times, killing one Drew was pointless because he would only be replaced by countless more. It was a futile effort. The urgent matter at hand was, what if the wicked gangs outside really broke in? Unlike the mishmash crowd below, they were armed. They'd keep coming, wave after wave.

Lukas and Cody looked grim at the thought of the chaos outside. "Should we move out?"

Stella asked, "And where would we go?"

Cody thought for a moment, "Ivywood Estates perhaps?"

But even ignoring the fact that the highest building in Ivywood Estates was already flooded up to the second floor, did it have bulletproof glass and multiple stainless steel doors? Even if it did, wouldn't that invite more attacks?

Angela was resolute. "No moving. Whoever comes, I'll fight them to the death."

Moving out would only hasten their demise. This was also Stella's choice. She wouldn't move. Her gaze fell on Jasper. He showed no expression. "Living on the 17th floor doesn't necessarily mean safety. If they insist on moving in, we can install more doors on the staircase. It wouldn't be easy for outsiders to break in."

Right! This was fortress warfare. The invaders would have to break through the 17th floor to get to the 18th. More barriers would mean easier counterattacks.

No moving. Fight to the death!

Stella was in full agreement. "Being afraid won't do us any good. If they dare to come, we'll fight until they don't dare anymore!"


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