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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 82

Cody and Lukas were immediately intrigued when they were told they were making a sled for the alpha dog. They hadn’t seen a sled in person, but they’d seen pictures. They figured they could whip one up with a bit of tinkering.

“Cooper, you are indeed a force to be reckoned with. You can even pull a sled.”

Cooper looked utterly baffled, thinking, "What's a sled?"

No worries. If his master believed he could do it, then surely he could. "Woof!"

Seeing a pile of thin, cut steel plates on the table, Stella asked curiously, "What are you guys doing with these?"

Lukas teased, "Guess."

"I don’t want to guess." Stella raised her fist. "Just tell me."

Cody explained with a smile, "You know there's a gang that’s been terrorizing the neighborhood, demanding food for protection. They’re armed, and we’re just flesh and blood. So Lukas and I thought we’d make some bulletproof vests."

Stella was taken aback. She hadn't expected them to be so prepared. But steel plates couldn’t stop bullets.

“They might not stop bullets but they could provide some cushioning. If we get shot, they might just save our lives.”

"No, no, don’t talk about such ill-fated things."

Stella felt a sense of relief seeing them trying so hard to survive. When she told them she was going with Jasper to cut some bamboo the next day, Cody and Lukas wanted to help. But the situation was getting more dangerous, and they needed to stay behind to guard their floor.

"Don’t worry about us. Anyone who wants our supplies will have to step over our dead bodies."

Stella wanted to tell them not to be so dramatic, but she knew if their floor was breached, the invaders wouldn't spare their lives.

Angela said, “Stella, remember to knock on our door when you leave tomorrow.”

After a bit more conversation, Stella returned home. Hector and Sadie were both gone. She made a hearty meal to celebrate and opened a can of pineapple flavored beer.

Tsk, if it weren't for their constantly pestering, it would've been better to let these two enjoy themselves in the post-apocalyptic world. Giving them a quick death was practically doing them a favor.

She set her alarm for seven o'clock and slept soundly until morning. As Angela had instructed, Stella knocked on the door of room 1803.

In just one night, the sled was ready, fashioned from aluminum pipes to be light and reduce friction.

Additionally, Angela brought over a thermal vest. Actually, there were two vests, with thin steel plates sandwiched in between and stitched together.

Stella held it in her hand and could feel its weight, especially around the chest area, where additional plates were added to enhance the impact resistance.

"Stella, it's too dangerous out there. Wear this when you go out. If you run into trouble, it might just save you."

They had wanted to make a vest for Cooper too, but there wasn’t enough time.

There was no rush. Everyone on their floor would get a vest. The only problem was... they didn’t know Jasper's size, and Angela was a bit hesitant. "Maybe you could ask him?"

"Why should I ask?" Stella was puzzled. "You can just ask him yourself."

Angela was baffled. Anyone could see what was going on between them. Why would Stella hide it?

The door of room 1801 opened, and Rosie came out rubbing her eyes. "Stella, let’s go."


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