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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 85

The moment Stella spoke, the woman's face turned ghostly pale with fear, not daring to utter another word. Afraid that Stella hadn’t vented her anger fully, she quickly turned and left.

The others, terrified and sweating, kept silent, not daring to say a word. They, too, were perplexed, wondering why they had meddled in others' business. Afraid of being targeted by the ruthless Stella, they also hastily left.

Cooper, having freed himself from his leash, rushed towards Stella, scratching her anxiously and whining, as if to say, “What's the matter, Stella?”

Stella stroked his head, comforting him. "It's okay."

Rosie ran to Stella, her face full of concern. "Sister, are you okay?"

The concern from the two was evident, making Stella feel a warmth in her heart. Even in this chaotic apocalyptic world, there were still people who cared for her.

The Moore family’s father and son were also scared and relieved. "Glad you're okay."

The brick hit Jasper pretty hard and Stella was worried he might have fractured a bone. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Jasper moved his shoulder and a flash of pain showed in his eyes. "Should be... fine."

Seeing his less-than-nimble movements, Stella knew that even if his bones hadn't been damaged, his soft tissues were definitely bruised.

Joey suggested, "We should go home, and if it gets worse, we will go to the hospital."

The doctors, heeding the government's call, were still treating patients, but one had to fend for themselves when it came to medications. They needed an experienced orthopedic doctor to give them peace of mind.

Jasper switched the load to his other shoulder, and Stella followed behind, pushing the sled, keeping an eye on his movements.

He was hurt. There was no denying it.

Rosie was worried for her brother, she wiped her eyes but didn't cry.

When they got back to Sunrise Sanctuary, Angela and her crew helped with the moving. Upon hearing about Jasper's injury, they were shocked. He was so strong, how could he be injured?

However, the returning party didn't tell the residents of 1803 how Jasper got injured.

Cody glanced at Stella and seemed to understand.

Once everything was moved upstairs, Stella followed Jasper into room 1801. "Take off your shirt, and let me check." Although she had only studied medicine for a year and her knowledge was limited, she knew more than the average person.

Jasper didn't refuse. He first lit the charcoal stove to warm up the room and then said to Rosie, "Take Cooper out."

Rosie, though confused, was obedient. Cooper didn't want to leave, but Stella's expression was serious, so he left with a downcast tail.

It was awkward, but Jasper took off his shirt. He was bundled up for winter, so it took a few layers to get to his thermal undershirt. His posture was rigid, not knowing where to put his hands.

Stella was also a little embarrassed, but she pulled back the collar of his shirt and gently pressed around. "Does your bone hurt?"

It hurt, but it didn't feel like his bone. There was an occasional twitching sensation, accompanied by a tingling, swelling feeling.

"It's a soft tissue bruise. You'll need some time to recover." Thankfully he was wearing layers, otherwise, he would definitely fracture a bone.

"I'll rub some medicinal alcohol on it, and you should take some anti-inflammatory pills That should speed up the healing process."

They had found a considerable amount of medicine last time, so neither of them was lacking.

Jasper insisted on using his own and Stella didn't argue, but his medicinal alcohol had frozen. Stella went back to her place to get hers. "I have a small bottle at home."

When she returned home, she poured half a bottle of medicinal alcohol from a large glass jar in Arcadia into a water bottle. Afraid he would suspect something, she poured some hot water into a basin and threw the water bottle in after a while.

"The medicinal alcohol is thawed now. You can expose your shoulder."

He would be freezing if he didn't wear anything, but Jasper wasn't used to being shirtless in front of a girl. He changed into a sleeveless workout shirt, bundling the rest of his body tightly.


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