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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 88

Police officers were humans too. Already understaffed, their numbers further dwindled when disaster struck or rescue missions went awry. Yet, the evil forces seemed to multiply, flourishing at every corner, with crimes occurring everywhere. Numerous public servants even lost their lives at the hands of these villains.

These scoundrels were elusive as ghosts, covered head to toe, with only their eyes visible. They were armed with guns and bribing local informants. If anyone dared to call the police or resist, they were met with a gruesome end.

At the 18th floor, Angela couldn't hold back. "Whoever wants to comply can do so, but I certainly won't." She’d always been the type to punch others, not the one to take crap from anyone.

Stella remained calm. "Katie, none of us should give into their demands."

Katie understood. "Mikey and his parents won't be back to work for a few more days. We'll face this together then. I won't be a burden to you all."

Back home, she discussed with her son and others. "I think we must do the same as those on the 18th floor. We absolutely should not give in. What do you all think?"

The Moore family held traditional values and the grandmother was always the backbone of the family. Joey had no objections. "Mom, we'll follow your lead."

"Good, as long as you all understand that we alone are not enough." Katie had a plan. "Remember, unity is strength especially in difficult times. If those bad guys charge at us, we'll be the first to suffer. We need to get the two neighboring families on board as well. Everyone fears death, but fear is useless. We are already at a disadvantage. If we hide, we'll only discourage others.”

”One might escape once, but definitely not twice. Even if I'm not around one day, you must uphold the basic principles of humanity. Cowardice will only hasten death."

Having had the heart-to-heart with the younger generation, Katie went out to knock on her neighbors' doors.

The conversation went surprisingly smoothly, and the other two families agreed without hesitation. She finally felt a weight lifted off her chest.


A new day dawned. The 18th floor was bustling with activity, both humans and dog engaging in exercise. Thud, thud, thud...

Suddenly, a cacophony of noise erupted from below, followed by piercing screams. The commotion was so loud that it felt like the roof would collapse.

Everyone exchanged looks. The thugs had arrived to collect their protection fee.

The apartment building residents were terrified, and their faces were pale with fear.

Perhaps because of Drew's decent image, the survivors all turned to him for help. As expected, he once again took the initiative to rally everyone to resist the thugs.

However, Drew was the first to be dragged into the next room and was beaten till he bled from his mouth and nose.

Not only him, but other key members were also beaten. One particularly attractive girl was almost raped in public.

The apartment residents tried to band together to fight back, which only infuriated the thugs even more. “The other buildings give three pounds each month. You guys think you’re tough? So, it’s six pounds for you each month. Anyone who doesn’t want to pay, I’ll treat you to a lead sandwich!”

Drew, despite his pain, protested, “That’s not fair. We really can’t afford that. How can you ask for six pounds? That’s like asking for our lives!”

“So you’re the tough guy, huh?”

Once again, he was dragged into the next room for another round of beating. He was thrown back, bloodied, and battered. Drew was on the brink of death and was barely able to speak.

"Anyone who refuses to pay will end up like him."

Despite his near-death state, Drew pleaded, "We can't do six pounds. Look, can we do what the other buildings are doing and only give three?"

The boss didn't respond and just stared at him coldly.


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