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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 93

Stella had no patience for nonsense. “If our mere presence is such a curse, then do us a favor and get lost.”

“Why should we move?” Korey’s wife glared at her viciously. “Because of you, my son was kidnapped and my husband was hurt. This isn’t over!”

Stella was speechless. “What do you want?”

Korey held back his wife. His eyes were filled with pain as he looked at Stella and her group. “I’m sorry. I know I messed up. I shouldn’t target you guys. But I was desperate. My son is only eight. If I don’t do as they said, they will kill him. I know I brought this on myself, but my mistakes shouldn’t affect my son. Can you help me save him?”

Stella was speechless. She couldn’t believe he had the audacity to ask that.

If he stood with them, like the Moore family, and told them about the kidnappers’ true intentions, she might offer to help him by providing the latest news about the gang. But he had chosen to hide, putting them in danger time and time again. And now he wanted them to risk their lives to save his son?

“You’re dreaming,” Stella snapped.

She ignored him and walked straight to room 1702, kicking at the door. “If you have any guts, stay in there and never come out.”

Angela added a kick. “Listen up, if you don’t come out now, I’ll break down this door!”

But, the door of 1702 remained shut.

“Fine, be that way,” Stella scoffed. “See if we ever come here again.”

After that, she walked away, heading back upstairs. Angela and the others followed suit. No one wanted to be the sacrificial lamb anymore. They’d let the 17th floor deal with their mess.

Korey’s wife wanted to confront Stella, but her husband held her back.

“Listen, I can’t hold on much longer, Jane,” he admitted.

“No, you won’t die,” she sobbed, holding him tightly.

“I failed to protect our son,” he confessed. The cold seeped into his bones and the pain was unbearable. “Don’t seek revenge on the 18th floor after I’m gone. The gang won’t let go of them and the 18th floor won’t compromise. You need to survive, for me and for Jacky.”

“I can’t live without you,” she cried.

“If the 18th floor wins, there’s a chance our son could return. You need to leave now, find a safe place and don’t get involved.”

After saying that, Korey struggled with his bleeding body to the kitchen and grabbed a knife before heading downstairs. “I’ll fight them, but you, you need to survive. You need to be there for Jacky when he comes back.”

In the grief, his wife watched as he walked away, calling after him, “Wait, wait!”

But Korey didn’t stop. With his last bit of strength, he made it to the seventh floor, but not much further. His body collapsed on the icy floor, and he didn’t get up again.

When Stella returned home, her dog, Cooper, came bounding up to her, whimpering and pawing at her anxiously.

“It’s okay, boy. I’m alright,” she assured him, crouching down to scratch behind his ears.

Despite her reassurances, Cooper was still agitated. His paw accidentally punched her on the shoulder. Stella winced and the others watched in shock. They hadn’t expected the dog to be so fierce, especially since he seemed to respect Stella.

They thought it was best not to interfere, so they pretended they hadn’t seen anything.

Cooper threw himself into Stella's arms, letting out continuous sobs. He felt rejected, not being allowed to help in the fight.


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