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A Dare To Kiss The Bad Boy novel Chapter 7

This beautiful moment was ruined when my phone rang. I pushed myself off his lap as my cheeks turned pink.

Romeo cleared his throat."Well.."He trailed off.

I checked the caller. It was my mother. I quickly picked the call.

"Mom."I said, my voice coming out rasped.

Mom didn't say something really important. She just called to ask about my welfare and that she would be late tonight.

"Bye mom."I muttered, then I hung up the call.

Silence reigned in my room and it was uncomfortable. None of us talked for a few minutes.

"Get a shower, we're going out."Romeo told me.

"Where are we going?"I questioned him.

He shot me a wink."Just get a shower, pumpkin. I will be waiting for you."


After taking a shower and putting on some neat clothes, it took me a really long time before I could find the courage to get out and face Romeo. What the heck just happened earlier! I could still feel wetness from the intimate moment earlier. I've never felt like this in my whole life. Is that what sex looks like?

"It's just for a month, Ivy." I mentally told myself.

When I stepped out of the bathroom, I didn't find Romeo in my room. I look around to see maybe he's in my closet but everywhere is empty. He could have gone downstairs.

"Romeo!"I called when I couldn't find him downstairs either.

Where could he have gone? His backpack was still on the sofa where he had left it on earlier, definitely he hasn't gone anywhere.

I finally found him outside talking to someone over the phone. He wasn't just talking, he was practically yelling. He looked really angry and his fist was shut tightly. He caught me looking at him and he flashed me a smile.

"It was an emergency."He mumbled when he got off the phone.

I nodded."Where are we going?"I asked as I entered his black Audi car.

"Just shut that sweet mouth of yours and watch silently."He instructed me.

The drive was about ten minutes. I could only find a few houses and lots of woods.

"Where is this?"I asked.

I haven't found a place like this ever since my mom and I have been living in this town.

He didn't give me a response but he led the way into the woods. I have no other choice than to follow him. He surely won't get me murdered.

"I'm going to fall."I groaned as we walked along some rocky parts.

"Good."Romeo muttered without looking back.

I frowned."Asshole, I could die."

"Actually..." My foot slipped as I lost my balance but was soon caught by Romeo's strong arms tightly wrapped around my waist.

I could only focus on the heat that enumerated from where his hands connected with my waist. Somehow his hands felt so warm and safe.

"Watch where you're going nerd."He jolted me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry."I mumbled and continued walking.

By the time we got out in the open air, I realized where he had actually taken me too. The cliff side behind my house. I have always watched it but never found a way to get to its top.

It has a little lake too that seems inviting.

"Common Ivy, let's get wet."Romeo grinned as he started pulling off his boots then his trousers.

I watched as he pulled off every inch of his clothing leaving him only in his briefs. He got into the water and dived in. I couldn't help but stare at the way the water glittered over his perfect body. I'm attracted to him, if I'll admit it.

"Fuck, you're missing a lot Ivy."He spat as he came to the surface.

I watched him bathe a few times. I moved closer to the shore of the lake and dipped my legs in. I watched slowly into the water and when it touched my feet, I let out a screech.

"It's cold."I moaned.

Romeo spoke from the water where he's in."Just because you have a pussy doesn't make you a woman and doesn't mean you can act like one."

"Language" I shouted then stepped back when the water hit me again.

Romeo swam over to me, about to say something but dragged me down into the water with him.

"I'll kill you, Sparks!" I yelled at him while he laughed, obviously enjoying himself.

"Enjoy the water before you do that."he laughed again.

Romeo swam over to me and I froze. He moved slowly to my behind and wrapped his arms around my chest. I breathed in a sharp breath as he planted a kiss on my neck. I blushed as I closed my eyes to savor the moment. I was still hot from the kiss we shared earlier.

"You look hot, Ivy."He smirked.

My heart raced. I felt weak in my knees as my skin tingles from where he was touching me. I wish this feeling could go on like this.

This asshole turned me into a mess.

And I hate mess. Romeo ruined the intense moment when he scooped me up and threw me down into the water.

We ended up doing the water fight game, Romeo overpowered me anyway.


The corners of my mouth turned up."You are being nice today."I said to Romeo.

We were laying down our towels after the game in the water.

"Am I?" He shrugged.

"I only want to make our one month together memorable."He smiled, looking up at the sky.

Our one month together.

Somehow, it pleased me that I got to spend some time together with Romeo, even if it's just this one month. Behind the arrogant and bad guy Romeo, there is a pure soul. It just took time to see that side of him though.

"Why do you think Samantha made that dare?"I asked curiously.

I've always known Samantha didn't like me, well that's obvious anyway.

Her crush in grade 8 had a crush on me but luckily I didn't like the guy. Ever since, she has been always acting so bitchy towards me. I think the dare only paved the way for her to get back at me.

"She knows I'm not the dating guy, and I dare not say no to a dare, so she wants to make life miserable for me."He chuckled softly.

"I like the dare anyway."he gazed at me, then looked away.

There is an uncomfortable moment of silence between us.

Romeo finally broke the silence."Can I ask you a question?"

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