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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1035

Eleanor was already halfway when she heard Bernard was bringing Nina back. She immediately breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly told Scott to turn around.

After getting home, she had a chat with Nina and finally understood Evelyn's intention of looking for the kid - she wanted Nina to choose her in court.

Chase had once mentioned that in international courts, the judge would ask for the child's opinion. If the child chose her, then the judge would simply grant custody to her.

Thankfully, Nina was a smart cookie. She knew what it meant to go to court and what Evelyn was implying. Otherwise, she would have definitely been tricked by Evelyn.

Concerned about Nina's safety going to and from school before the court session, Eleanor decided to personally drop her off and pick her up during this period.

Bernard had originally planned to send someone, but seeing her worry, he agreed, "I'll go with you."

Whenever Eleanor went out alone, Bernard felt uneasy. Thankfully, recently Cedric Laurence had been helping with the group's affairs, reducing his workload and freeing him up to accompany her.

Eleanor wrapped her arms around Bernard. Somehow, whenever he was around, she felt fearless.

After a while, she got up to find Hailey.

Nina was safe at home, so she didn't need to worry, which is why she dared to go out.

Bernard accompanied her to the hospital, but he was only there to chat with a friend. As a big guy, he felt out of place, so he waited in the car.

Just as Eleanor got to the hospital room, she saw Yeager holding Hailey's hand, begging her desperately, "Hailey, don't break up with me, I'm begging you."

Hearing this, Eleanor immediately understood. Hailey had made up her mind, hence the breakup. She just didn't know how Hailey had brought it up.

Yeager's reluctance to let go made Hailey, who had gathered her courage, somewhat helpless, "Yeager, your mom doesn't want us together, why are you insisting?"


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