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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1038

Yeager had shipped his parents back home. Now Hailey can chill and focus on running her club, while Eleanor was prepping for the court stuff.

The night before the court hearing, she couldn't catch a wink of sleep. When she went downstairs for a drink, Nina, holding a little pillow, walked up to her, and gently pulled on her robe.

"Eleanor, don't sweat it. I'll definitely pick you."

Eleanor's heart warmed, she put down her glass, squatted down and looked at Nina eye to eye.

"Why are you still up?"

Nina tilted her head and grinned.

"I'm just like you, can't sleep."

Seeing Nina's innocent smile, Eleanor also smiled softly back.

"Are you nervous too?"


Nina didn't hide her feelings at all.

"Sometimes, I do miss the days in G country, but compared to you, those don't matter."

Aside from teaching her how to shoot, Casey had always been good to her, let her grow up carefree, and sometimes spoilt her rotten.

Of course, she was also happy during the time with her biological father in G country.

Thinking of Ethan Ziegler, Nina’s eyes started to well up...

"Eleanor, if Ethan was still alive, you and my grandma wouldn't need to go to court."

Hearing this, Eleanor was taken aback, suddenly recalling Ethan's carefree manner, her heart clenched.

No matter what someone did in their life, once they're gone, the bad parts fade away, leaving only the good parts behind.

In her memory, Ethan's features and face had all become blurred, but she could never forget his tight grip on her hand before he died, urging her to take good care of Nina.

Thinking about Ethan brought tears to her eyes, so she held them back, not wanting Nina to see her sorrow, and embraced the little girl.

"Nina, parting due to death is something we all have to face in life. Your father just left a bit earlier, but his love for you is still here."


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