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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1081

They both went through similar experiences of suffering for love, struggling as if in mud or hell, leading to them both suffering from depression. They had wholeheartedly loved, but in the end, their love was not reciprocated.

Sigrid managed to overcome this ordeal, understanding that her wholehearted love for that person was driven by helplessness and lack of choice. But Jason...

He too had to let go due to circumstances beyond his control, but what was even more cruel was that the person who once deeply loved him and gave everything to him ended up falling in love with someone else after he regained his memory.

Who could accept that the person they had loved passionately for over a decade suddenly turned to someone else?

Sigrid could empathize with Jason's current despair, which was why she rushed over upon hearing the news. Not for any other reason but because she once faced depression so severe that she contemplated suicide, and she hoped that someone would come to her aid, even if it was just to lend a helping hand.

She had no idea how Jason managed to hold on until now, what belief he used to support himself, but she didn't want to witness someone afflicted with this illness choosing death.

Eleanor was taken aback by Sigrid's arrival, but knowing that Sigrid had experienced depression herself, she thought she might be able to help Garett.

"If you don't mind, let's go together," Sigrid said, tilting her head and giving Eleanor a gentle smile. "Helping others shouldn't be considered a bother."

Having been involved in charity work and assisting many people in desperate situations, Sigrid regarded it simply as doing a good deed.

Her mild and amiable personality made Eleanor quite fond of her.

With the approval of Fiord Roundabout's hostess and no objections from Bernard, the three women boarded a helicopter.


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