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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1148

Karan insisted that Tyler had fessed up. Yeah, Tyler did admit it, but Liana hadn’t heard it for herself. She was at the hospital at the time, and all her news came from Karan.

So, when Liana saw Hubert paying off those little thugs, she was gobsmacked. But at the same time, she was confused: if it wasn't Tyler's doing, why would he admit it?

Liana wanted to clear up these questions, but Karan was clearly not going to spill the beans. She hesitated for a moment, then walked over to Karan, squatted down beside her like when she was a child, put her hand on her leg, and looked up at her.

“Auntie, I'm your favorite girl. I've always considered you as a mother figure. We're both from a small village, and we should care for each other, help each other, trust each other. You know Damien Howell is still young, his cousins are eyeing the inheritance. The Howell family is a shareholder system, maybe one day, these cousins will take over, then Damien's position as heir will be in jeopardy. Even though I'm in A City now, I have a lot of clout behind me. The Laurence family can influence the Howell family. If you trust me and tell me the truth, then I will help Damien become the heir of the Howell family in the future.”

These words were indeed touching and hit Karan right in the feels. Before Tyler's death, she was worried that Tyler would become the heir and kick her out of the Howell family. Now, she had to worry about Damien's cousins for her son's sake.

This shareholder thing is seriously annoying, it's like anyone can stick their nose in. Clearly, Hackett Howell is the chairman, even though the Howell family was built by all the siblings together, but Hackett was the head honcho. Why should other people have a say in the heir's position?

Karan was so pissed off just by thinking of it, but she kept silent, looking into Liana's clear eyes. She felt like Liana was not trying to trick her into revealing the truth, but regardless of whether Liana was trying to trick her, Karan could not spill the beans. Instead, she needed to keep Liana on her side, so she could help Damien in the future, and use the power of the Laurence family behind her, to be Damien's biggest backup.

Thinking about this, Karan lifted her hand, placed it on Liana's hand, gently patting while praising her for her understanding, "Liana, I'm so grateful to have a niece like you. You're willing to help Damien, and I won't let you down. When the Howell family redistributes the shares, I'll have a word with your uncle, and you will have your share."

This way, both Liana and Damien would have shares, and when it came to choosing the heir, Damien would definitely be the top dog, no one could surpass him.

Hearing this, the bookish Damien sitting beside them had a shadow flicker in his eyes. The Howell family's shares had already been allocated, if Liana were to join in, wouldn't that mean even less for him?

If Liana knew the truth and chose not to help him, but instead helped others, wouldn't that be like creating an enemy for him? Rather than taking this risk, they might as well keep Liana out of the Howell family business entirely, to avoid future trouble.


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