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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1155

Karan remembered vividly, when Tyler couldn't find Liana, he was all worked up, asking her about Liana's whereabouts.

Karan said she didn't know, she really didn't know who had taken Liana. Seeing Karan's earnest expression, Tyler assumed Liana had left on her own.

After all, Tyler had sent some thugs to scare Liana, causing her to go through hell - rape, pregnancy, infection, miscarriage. It was no wonder Liana didn't want to see Tyler again. Guilty as hell, Tyler didn't go looking for Liana anymore, perhaps thinking she could start over without him.

They met again ten years later. Tyler had grown in that decade. Maybe because of Liana, he wasn't so harsh on himself anymore.

But by then, Damien had been born. To secure Damien's inheritance, Karan had to fuel Liana's resentment towards Tyler through text messages. Liana hadn't forgotten her hatred for Tyler, even scheming a plan to make him fall for her as revenge.

When Liana had that idea, she wouldn't give Tyler a chance to explain. Karan was assured that as long as they were at each other's throats, she could reap the rewards.

She let them fight, occasionally stirring the pot. She would exaggerate everything about Liana and Will Webb to Tyler.

Back then, Tyler was under a lot of pressure, being provoked by Karan and pressured by Liana. But he was still determined to marry Liana. But how could Hackett agree to such a disgraceful thing? He locked Tyler up.

Tyler was locked in his room, starving and forced to endure Karan’s lies. Even though he didn't show any reaction, Karan knew Tyler was hurting inside, especially because she was talking about Liana and Will's entanglement.

She even had someone forge photos and had the servants show them to him. Every time Tyler saw those photos, he would get so angry his eyes would turn red. Sometimes he'd feel sick and couldn't hold back his tears. He probably thought Liana and Will had done something, that's why he was so pissed. He was even willing to sacrifice his own kidney just to see Liana. Seeing Tyler like this, Karan knew Tyler was deeply in love with Liana, and she knew that one day, Tyler would die by Liana's hand.

Sure enough, not long after, news of Tyler's death came. As for whether he was killed by Liana, Karan had guessed it when she saw Liana's reaction. That shot must have been fired by Liana. It was precisely because it was Liana who fired the shot, Liana wanted to know the truth about that year. It was a life, how could Liana not care? But...


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