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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1170

When Liana was put into the cremation furnace, Eleanor didn't dare to watch. She turned away, burying herself into Bernard's embrace, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Her best friend, her beloved Liana, had become a pile of ashes, put into a tiny box. She wasn't sure if her friend had lost her freedom or finally found it.

In a nutshell, Liana was gone from this world. She had followed her loved one to another world, seeking her own happiness once again.

Tyler and Liana, one thinking the other didn't love them, the other realizing their love only in death.


Yeah, there were regrets.

But that was the end of it.

After Liana was cremated, Will personally scattered her ashes in the sea near the little island where Tyler was.

Even though their ashes were swept away by the wind, leaving no trace, Will still erected a tombstone for them.

On the tombstone, their names were inscribed as husband and wife.

He figured, after their souls found each other, this would be their resting place.

People need fantasies and expectations, right? What else would hold them up?

They all stood vigil before the tombstone, for an entire night, until a storm hit. The wind howled and the tide churned, forcing them to leave.

The rain seemed like Liana's way of telling her friends not to mourn her endlessly, driving them away with a downpour.

Everyone left the island, except for Will. He stood in front of the tombstone, under an umbrella, letting the rain soak his clothes. It was like the pain in his heart would lessen this way.

Eventually, he passed out from exhaustion and was carried back to the ship by Bernard's people.

When he came to, he was on a private jet back home. He made it back safely, while Liana stayed forever in that country, on that island.

Will pulled up the window shade on the plane and looked out at the blue sky and white clouds.


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