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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1172

Aidyn was going all out for revenge, and Eleanor, having lost a good friend, hadn't been able to sleep for a month straight...

Every time she woke from a dream at midnight, she saw Liana's bright face. Serious, laughing, crying, all so vivid, like it's being deeply imprinted in her mind...

People often say, after someone dies, our memories and image of them gradually blur, until we completely forget...

Eleanor didn't want to forget Liana. She looked at Liana's photos every day, constantly having that dream, over and over again, until her mood became extremely depressed and she ended up sick, collapsed in bed...

Bernard felt heartbroken. He stared at her pale face, sitting by her sickbed.

"Honey, what am I gonna do if you're sick?"

He needed to go fight a battle, but how could he leave Eleanor like this? His eyes were full of worry.

"Don't sweat it..." Eleanor whispered.

Bernard tenderly caressed Eleanor's fatigued face. "How could I not be concerned when you're in such a state?"

In that moment, Eleanor felt a deep connection to Liana's emotions. If anything ever happened to Bernard, she would be devastated...

She lifted her hand to softly touch Bernard's tired features. "I'm sorry for causing you such worry..."

Bernard responded with a gentle shake of his head, releasing her hand to pick up the bowl of soup.

"Bryson made some soup, you want some?"

Eleanor propped herself up and took the soup he offered. "Mr. Keith wants to give me an IV, have him come this afternoon."

Seeing Eleanor's newfound resolve, Bernard's face lit up with a subtle smile. "Rest now. I've got everything else under control."


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