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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1242

Eleanor couldn't help but laugh, recalling how Hailey had been left speechless by these two AIs earlier, "Honey, why doesn't your company design the robots to be a bit more appealing?"

Just then, the AI representing Cedric was welcoming Bernard, "Welcome, welcome, welco..."

Bernard turned it off mid-sentence, its mouth wide open, revealing a mess of wires. His face hardened, "Cedric rushed the process, didn't even complete the basic construction, just slapped on the Lawrence Group label."

Eleanor was talking about appearance, Bernard was talking about internal construction - they were on different wavelengths. Eleanor didn't say anything more, just squeezed his arm, "So honey, you should make a robot just like you."

Bernard looked at Eleanor, "Why?"

Eleanor tiptoed and poked his cheek, grinning, "Because, I want a husband who says welcome to me all day long..."

Bernard chuckled, "I'll make a robot you won't even recognize as not being me."

Eleanor figured he wouldn't be able to pull that off and didn't take him seriously, just replied with a simple 'okay'.

The emcee then took the stage, announcing the start of the ocean wedding ceremony, asking guests to take their seats as they waited for the bride and groom.

After telling Bernard that she was going to find Hailey, Eleanor headed to the rest room. Hailey was sitting in front of the mirror taking deep breaths, but still couldn't shake off her nerves.

Seeing Eleanor, Hailey couldn't help but say, "I've been married once already, and I should be used to this. Why am I so nervous, is it because I'm inexperienced?"


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