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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1245

When the Laurence clan heard Elbert's suggestion, their anger turned into scorn.

"There's no way we'd ever team up with your Pine family."

The beef between the Laurences and the Pines runs deep!

Out of respect for Eleanor, they could play nice for a bit, but team with them? No way!

"Well then, Eleanor can be seen as a Pine, so Ms. Vulpe, her sister, she's a Pine too, and Mr. Clowers ain't a Laurence or a Pine, so we’ll count him as a Pine. And then there's Chase McCall..."

"Hold up, Chase is my buddy, why are you bringing him up?!" Cedric retorted.

"He's just your buddy, not Family. Why should he be considered a Laurence?"

"He was my sister's first love, so he's a Laurence for sure."

The moment Cedric said this, Chase whipped his head towards Sigrid.

She was sitting next to Garett, acting as if she hadn't heard a word, not reacting at all.

Seems like the word "first love" didn't affect her anymore, hence her cool demeanor.

Chase's eyes filled with sadness, a bitter smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Cedric seemed to realize he'd misspoke, and quickly corrected himself.

"Anyway, Chase is my friend. He'd never help you Pines against me!"

With the two sides at a stalemate over who's with whom, Hailey stepped up to back up her husband.

"Mr. Pine, Eleanor married Bernard, so she's a Laurence. And I married Cedric, so I'm a Laurence. As for Mr. Clowers, he's my brother, so naturally, he's with me."

"Right! Hailey's right, they're all Laurences!"

With today's bride, Hailey, speaking up, the Laurences were even more adamant about not joining the Pines.

Elbert couldn't out-argue the Laurences and had to take the hit in numbers.

But it was okay, Elbert grew up in a casino. Who can play cards better than he can?

"Fine, you guys team up with whoever you want. Us four can still take you down!"

Elbert finished, turned back to Robin, raising an eyebrow, "Right, bro?"

Robin gave him a cold look, thinking, "Does Elbert not know how bad his luck is?"

Elbert, however, saw determination in his angry gaze, so he wasn't worried. He slapped the table, "Alright, folks, let's get the betting started!"

Nigel Laurence loved this kind of game. At the mention of betting, he immediately forgot all the bad blood and threw his stakes on the table.


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