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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1289

"Are you the one carrying drugs for Ace?!"

The little girl, who clearly had no idea what was going on, was terrified by Robin's abrupt outburst. Crying out in shock, she burst into tears.

"Grandpa, there's a weird man here, help!" she wailed.

On the dockside, an old man, having just finished unloading cargo, sat on the ground with his friends, puffing on a cigar. Hearing his granddaughter's cries, he immediately turned his head, only to see the girl being held up in the air. He sprang to his feet and charged over.

"Let go of my granddaughter, or I'll beat you to a pulp!" he threatened.

Seeing the man holding his unloading tool and a group of old men charging towards him, Eleanor quickly stepped in. She took the child from Robin's grip, placed her gently on the ground, and handed a wad of cash to the old men to settle the matter.

Having calmed the innocent bystanders, Eleanor turned her wrath towards Robin. "You didn't think about asking the girl who gave her the note, instead, you accused her of being involved with Ace. Are you out of your mind?"

Robin, realizing his grave mistake, felt a pang of guilt. Yet, he stubbornly retorted, "The person who gave her the note is clearly one of Ace's men. And who in their right mind would stick around after delivering the note? You think Ace would be stupid enough to wait for me to finish questioning her?"

Eleanor was speechless. Robin, on the other hand, pulled out his phone and dialed a number, asking if anyone had seen Ace handing the note to the girl. When the answer was negative, he hung up, clearly frustrated.

Eleanor shot a glance at the fuming Robin and picked up her bag, heading towards the Harmonic Voyager No.1. Since they were handcuffed together, Robin had no choice but to follow her. They boarded the nearly empty ferry, assuming this was where Ace would strike.

However, just as they were settling in, the ferry started moving. Robin frowned slightly, but he was confident that his men would be able to keep up.

When they arrived at their destination, they found that they were still fully conscious. Puzzled by Ace's tactics, they decided to confront the captain.


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