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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1307

Eleanor had a good night's sleep and felt somewhat refreshed the next day, easing her nerves for the upcoming game.

The eighth round was different from the previous ones.

A screen appeared on the wall, displaying a deck of cards, 54 in total.

"Please select a card," a voice boomed.

Eleanor and Robin, unsure of what the game entailed, exchanged a glance.

"Perhaps we have to find the same card. The more cards we find, the better," Robin reasoned, and Eleanor agreed.

They each approached the screen and selected a card; Eleanor got the A, and Robin got the Two.

These cards had a higher probability of being chosen since there were four of each. However, Area Opaca could be unpredictable.

After their selection, all 54 cards on the screen flipped over, displaying their backs.

Simultaneously, the cards shuffled and started rolling in all directions.

"Please draw the card you selected. The number and suit must match," the voice instructed.

Luckily, Eleanor had remembered the suit of her card, or else she would have been lost.

But the task was daunting; how could they possibly find the correct card in five minutes from such a large array?

Robin's words cut through her panic, "Regardless of our strategy, it's all down to luck. Let's just go with our gut."

His casual demeanor seemed to rub off on Eleanor, and she felt herself relax a bit.

Robin stepped aside and gestured for Eleanor to go first.

He was prepared to step in if she made a mistake. After all, he had promised her that he would get her to the ninth round.

Only by reaching the ninth round would she have a chance to meet the man in black. Robin believed Bernard would come to see Eleanor if he was still alive. Unless, he didn't want her anymore.

Robin didn't mention this possibility to Eleanor, he just let her choose first.

Eleanor stared at the rolling cards on the screen, trying to discern a pattern but finding none.

The cards were rolling randomly, and with the same colored backs, it was impossible to tell which was which.

Her anxiety grew, causing a sharp pain in her stomach. But she had no choice but to soldier on.

"Just choose one. Don't be scared."

Robin grabbed her hovering hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

Eleanor glanced at him, "You choose first."

Robin shook his head, "Ladies first."


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