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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1314

Eleanor had laid out her cards on the table, and yet the answer she was given was a cold shoulder. She felt a sense of defeat, a smirk playing on her lips, "There should be a reason for your betrayal, right?"

Sophie clung to Bernard's arm, resting her head on his shoulder, "Can't you see, he's with me now."

A scornful laugh escaped Eleanor's lips, "How can he be with you when he despises you so much. If you want to get rid of me, just do it. Don't disgust him, or me."

Sophie didn't seem perturbed by Eleanor's words, she simply lifted her fair hand and gently caressed her belly, "Yes, he despised me once, but things have changed. I’m bearing his child, so he should bear some responsibility..."

Eleanor's body, which she had been forcing herself to keep upright, froze instantly. From her hands to her feet, a chill ran through her body. The belief that 'he was doing this to protect me' collapsed abruptly in her mind.

Her disbelieving gaze moved from Sophie's smug face to Bernard's, "Tell me it's not true, and I will believe you."

Bernard, drenched in cold sweat from the pain, was listening to the ticking of a countdown in his head, simultaneously looking past her face to the red laser sight behind her head.

The crimson glow at the corner of his eye extinguished in the glare of the light, replaced by an even more terrifying icy gaze. "I was drunk, so I made a mistake."

His words plunged Eleanor into her own personal hell. She tried to claw her way out, but countless hands were pulling her back, dragging her into an endless darkness.

In that moment, she could neither see nor hear anything, all she could hear was the rhythmic beating of her own heart.

So, hearts could still beat, no wonder it hurt so much. It felt as if it was ripped apart, bleeding under the scorching sun, the burning sensation was unbearable, bringing tears to Eleanor's eyes.

"So, you want to divorce me not because you have no choice, but because you made a mistake and impregnated another woman, but Bernard..."


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