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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1323

The man in black, his face a mask of indifference, advanced quickly, pinning Bernard to the ground, immobilising him and giving him no opportunity for counterattack.

Bernard could have reacted when the man first approached, but he chose not to. He was waiting for something. His mission will remain incomplete until that moment arrived.

1-2 interpreted Bernard’s non-resistance as a sign of defeat. He saw it as an uncharacteristic lack of fire, and his respect for Bernard diminished slightly.

“According to the rules of Area Opaca, anyone who tries to breach the lower districts must be electrocuted as punishment. But considering your obstinacy, I’ll make an exception,” 1-2 said, a hint of mockery in his tone.

1-2 beckoned to the man in black. After forcing Bernard onto the ground, he pulled a small knife from his pocket. The blade shone ominously under the dim light as he approached Bernard, crouching beside him.

Underneath his mask, 1-2 observed Bernard through unfeeling eyes. He held the knife against Bernard’s back and began to cut, slowly and deliberately, close to his waist.

Bernard clenched his fists, his neatly trimmed nails embedding into his palm, which was painful. But it was a pain that was nothing compared to the piercing agony from the knife on his back.

Throughout this, he remained silent. His head turned slightly to the side, his gaze fixed on the wall. His mind was elsewhere, though. He thought of Eleanor, his beloved, who was five months pregnant. In another five months, he would become a father.

He wondered if his child would look more like him or Eleanor. No matter who the child took after, he was sure they would be beautiful.

As these thoughts occupied his mind, 1-2 pressed harder with the knife. Bernard grunted in pain but remained resolute, biting his lip to keep himself from making a sound.

Sophie, watching from a distance, couldn’t bear the sight of Bernard in pain. She moved towards him, hoping to give him some comfort. But the moment Bernard saw her, he closed his eyes, shutting her out. Sophie’s face twisted in anger and frustration.

“Serves you right!” she spat out, turning to 1-2. “Sir, let me do it. I don’t mind getting my hands dirty.”


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