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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1334

Meanwhile, Mr. Quartus was leading the father-daughter duo of the Ratliff Group back to Area Opaca, a day later than initially scheduled. The pair had been tough to locate, proving themselves resourceful in their attempts to hide.

Mr. Quartus returned to the control room, expecting to see 1-2 , but was met with an unusual sight. 1-1 sat alone on a leather couch, fixated on the screen of the control panel, puffing on a cigar in dead silence.

"Where's 1-2?" Mr. Quartus asked.

Everyone in the control room turned their attention towards 1-1. The room was filled with operators, all wearing badges with their specific numbers, marking them as a notch above the regular henchmen. They were partners with 1-1 .

But 1-2 was senior to them, and 1-1 had just killed him. It was clear to them all that if their interests clashed with 1-1 , he wouldn't hesitate to eliminate them.

Just as they were contemplating leaving Area Opaca, Sheldon, also known as Mr. Quartus, returned and all eyes turned to him.

"Mr. Quartus, Bernard used a chip to control 1-2 , tying their fates together. He threatened our boss, and was shot by 1-3," said Mr. Sextus, bringing Sheldon up to speed on the events that occurred in his absence.

Sheldon was stunned. 1-2 had served Area Opaca diligently for years, and yet he was shot dead by a junior? All because he was forced to threaten 1-1 ? He cleaned the cold sweat from his brow and looked at 1-1 , who sat unflinchingly at the head of the table.

"Bro, 1-2 followed you for years. You killed him instead of finding a way to save him. I must say I'm surprised," Sheldon accused, not bothering to hide his disappointment.

1-1 , surprisingly, did not retaliate but just stared at him coldly.

"You once asked me why I didn't let you run Area Opaca. This is why."

Sheldon was too soft and sentimental. These qualities made him a poor fit for a leadership role.


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