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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1369

Peterson watched her for a few seconds before changing the subject, "Enough about me. Let's hear about you. This one-sided conversation is getting dull."

Eleanor shot back with a smirk, "There's not much to tell about me either. It's equally dull."

Peterson returned her smirk, "Eleanor, you don't have to keep your guard up around me like I'm a villain."

Eleanor chuckled, "Well, your family treats me like a potential villain too."

When asked about how Old Yates tricked Pauline, he kept mum. When asked about what Peterson was up to with Old Yates, he stayed silent too. So, why should she spill her beans to them?

Eleanor tossed her wavy hair over her shoulder, strutting confidently into the dressing room.

Watching her retreating figure, Peterson folded his arms across his chest and leaned back in his chair, a faint smile playing on his lips. He was curious about how important Bernard was to her. But on second thought, there was no need to inquire.

A man she was willing to risk her life for, even while pregnant, must mean more to her than her own life. However… Peterson frowned slightly as he pondered the thought.

While he was lost in thought, a child adopted by the Sharp family pushed open the dressing room door, carrying the new collection of handbags.

Seeing Peterson, she froze in her tracks, quickly turning to leave. Peterson, however, stood up and walked past her, scoffing, "What are you hiding from?"

The girl didn't utter a word, only lifting her eyes to steal a glance at him after he walked away.

Peterson had once confessed his feelings for her, claiming he'd marry her if she agreed. But she had declined.

Peterson's mother had said that an adopted child was also a child of the Sharp family, and therefore, she was Peterson's sister. It was improper.

The main reason though, was that they looked down on her background. Resigned to her fate, she accepted Peterson's mother's arrangement and agreed to marry the man they had set her up with.

When Peterson returned, she was having her wedding reception. Peterson, being a stable man, didn't cause a scene. He simply cornered her backstage and asked her why.

She told him that she didn't love him. Peterson fell silent, watching her for a moment before murmuring, "I wish you happiness," and left. He never bothered her again.

Later, she heard that Peterson was actively seeking a suitable spouse from a similar background, but to no avail. Meanwhile, she was already expecting a child.


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