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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1372

They clearly knew that she had been to Area Opaca and what she had experienced there, yet they could still hide it from her as if nothing had happened.

They spun a story that it was her resemblance to Emilia that caught their attention. But Eleanor knew it was a lie; they had seen her in the Area Opaca first and followed her trail from there.

How could they come to her, weaving lies and half-truths, and expect her to embrace them as kin?

And there was more... For half a year, Bernard had been consumed by his investigation into the origins of Area Opaca, leaving Eleanor to fend for herself. Caleb had even lost his life in that damn place.

How could they commit such atrocities and then show up on her doorstep, expecting her to face Katherine as if nothing had happened? Clutching the golden leaf in her hand, Eleanor felt her heart turn to stone, her emotions a mix of disappointment and rage.

While she was wrestling with her fury and contemplating her next move, footsteps approached. The study door swung open, revealing a figure clad in a crisp white suit.

Yates, having failed to find Eleanor downstairs, had guessed she might be here. His eyes flicked to the family tree sprawled beside her, a hint of exasperation on his face. Peterson, that damn brat, dared to send Eleanor here.

With a silent sigh, Yates maintained his composure and stepped forward to take the shimmering gold leaf from her grasp.

"I won’t deny it since you’ve found out," he said, his voice calm as he settled into the chair behind the desk. "But I must clarify something. I didn't know of your existence until after you left Area Opaca. The ordeal you and your husband went through there—it's not on me."

His point was plain—the Area Opaca was his creation, his enterprise, and it had nothing to do with Eleanor. He wouldn't have let her anywhere near it had he known about her sooner. But it was only after she left that he discovered her connection to the family, and that's when he chose to deceive and conceal the truth, all to facilitate a smooth homecoming for her.

Understanding his words, Eleanor managed to steady her emotions and took a seat across from Yates, their eyes locking over the expanse of the desk.

"Even if that's the case," she said evenly, "you should never have allowed Peterson to lie to me."

Yates looked at her with the indulgent gaze one reserves for a child. "Darling, the things I've done are far from honorable. How could I possibly expose you to such darkness? And with your friend's misfortune within the Area Opaca, how else could I have convinced you to return and claim your rightful place in the family?"

At his lofty justification, Eleanor could only scoff.


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