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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1404

After six long months, Bryson's eyes brimmed with tears as he saw a flesh-and-blood Bernard return home. The wrinkles on his aged face seemed to deepen with emotion.

"Mr. Laurence, you've finally come back. I feared the worst..."

"I'm fine, Bryson."

Bernard lifted his hand and patted Bryson's shoulder with a comforting gesture before turning and heading straight into the study.

Realizing that Bernard appeared preoccupied, Bryson didn't dare to disturb him. Instead, he composed himself and instructed the cook to prepare a feast before heading out to pick up little Nina from school.

Ever since Bernard and Eleanor had left, Nina couldn't stop talking about them. The ordeal they had been through was perilous.

To keep the child from worrying, Bryson had told her they were on a business trip. But Nina was a sharp cookie – she didn't buy the story that people on a business trip couldn't even make a call or video chat.

Just as Bryson was running out of excuses, Bernard returned, allowing Bryson to breathe a sigh of relief and finally give Nina a proper explanation.

Bernard had kept the secret of the chip in his brain from everyone, including Aidyn. When he noticed Aidyn following him into the study, he frowned slightly.

"Aidyn, I'm back and safe. You should go home and look after your family."

During Bernard's absence, Aidyn had become a father. His newborn and wife needed him, but Aidyn was reluctant to leave.

"Mr. Laurence, I know you'll need to strategize with the team to mount a comeback. Count me in, please delegate some tasks to me."

After a moment's thought, Bernard walked over to his desk, scribbled the name of the organization 'Darkness' and a woman named Pauline on a piece of paper, tore it off, and handed it to Aidyn.

"Find out why they want Pauline dead. Dig deep."

"Yes, sir!"

With a mission in hand, Aidyn eagerly took the note and left the study.

Bernard watched Aidyn's retreating figure, then his tall frame slumped into the sofa. The tension he had been carrying for half a year finally began to ease.

But his respite was short-lived. Bernard rose again, pulled out a chair at his desk, and sat down in front of his computer, rapidly typing in the chip's program he had memorized.


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