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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1407

After delivering the news, Sheldon added with an apologetic tone, "The signal to the Area Opaca is jammed too. I can't get in touch with anyone inside."

Bernard's expression turned cool and detached. As he searched for a breakthrough, Yates was also strategizing. It was a race to see who could outwit the other first.

Unable to rescue Eleanor ahead of time, Bernard decided to focus on the demolition program. If Yates couldn't control his life, he could save Eleanor.

With this in mind, Bernard ended the call and looked up at Cedric. "If we can't shut down the demolition system, we need to buy ourselves more time before it goes off."

Cedric, who was already half-asleep from working on the simulation, forced himself awake and said, "Just give me a bit more time. I'll find a way to shut it down."

He wasn't just aiming to shut it down; he planned to hack into it, rewrite the code, and encrypt it so the enemy couldn't reboot it.

As Cedric was rapidly typing out code, he glanced across at the man sitting opposite him, chin propped on one hand. He had been contemplating whether to inform his brother that Eleanor had gone to Canada to trace her roots. Little did he know, his brother was already aware and had even met her in the Area Opaca.

If it weren't for overhearing his brother's phone conversation, Cedric would still be in the dark about the founder of the Area Opaca being Eleanor's grandfather, let alone that she was trapped there.

Concerned about Eleanor's predicament, Cedric hoped that Yates, being Eleanor's grandfather, wouldn't harm his own kin.

Lost in thought, Cedric was jolted back to reality by Bernard's cool voice, "Don't tell Hailey about the chip in my head."

Cedric paused, his gaze shifting from the screen to Bernard's solemn face. "Bernard, are you worried that Hailey might tell Eleanor? Why keep it a secret?"

Bernard remained silent, which Cedric took as confirmation. He didn't understand. "Bernard, wouldn't it be good for her to worry about you a little? Why hide it?"


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