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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1415

Bernard slipped on his gloves, his gaze lifting to the team assembled beside the chopper.

"Three things," he said.

"First, keep your own hide safe. Second, take down 49 of them, then we pull back. Third, I’ll avenge Caleb myself."

His words, terse and clear, were met with a deafening chorus of affirmation.

"Yes, sir!"

Bernard looked away from the team, his eyes falling on Evan and Gianna.

"I'm taking point. You follow."

"Maybe we should go first?"

The unknown quantity of explosives rigged by the Area Opaca made those on the first flight, tossing the bombs and triggering the ground explosives, the most at-risk group.

Evan and Gianna were worried about Bernard's safety, seemingly forgetting that when it came to combat, Bernard was unbeatable. Moreover, his taking point would steady the team's nerves.

Facing his siblings' concern, Bernard was unfazed, briskly stepping past them and making his way to a sleek black van.

"Cedric, is the delayed detonation system good to go?"

Seated amidst an array of high-tech gear, Cedric was hammering away at his keyboard when he replied without looking up, "Just a sec."


Cedric paused his typing, his eyes, glinting with mirth, lifting to Bernard.

"Bernard, with me here, no one's your match."

Bernard nodded slightly, then turned, holding out his hand to Aidyn.

Aidyn immediately pulled a pistol from his holster and placed it in Bernard's palm.

Then Bernard wrapped his fingers around the gun, his grip firm, as he walked toward the helicopter.

Just as he was about to board, a clear voice called from behind him—

"Bernard, take me with you."

Bernard paused, half-turning his lean frame to look toward Robin, who was coolly facing down the barrels of countless guns aimed at his head.

As the vice-chairman of the Premier Entrepreneurs' League, dedicated to fighting the Area Opaca and the Siren Organization, it was no surprise that the Sirens' guns were drawn at the first sight of him.

Almost as soon as Robin appeared, Siren members reached for their weapons, aiming straight at his head, ready to shoot at the slightest provocation.

Robin, unfazed by the multitude of guns trained on him, simply raised a finger and pushed them aside.

"I have a duty to eradicate the Area Opaca too. Why not join forces for now?"

Bernard didn't respond but tilted his head slightly, eyeing Robin with skepticism.

The other man's icy gaze seemed to question: What are you here for if not to save your wife?

Robin felt exposed under Bernard's piercing stare, but still, he'd come of his own accord.

"I've got a good number of people. Think it over."

While he wasn't one for solo fights, in a brawl, he never lost.


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