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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1461

Chapter 1462 


Two nurses were laying out the surgical tools when, to their shock, one turned around and the patient was gone. One nurse dashed off in pursuit while the other hurriedly dialed Dr. Amelia’s number. 

Dr. Amelia answered the phone, her voice laced with surprise and urgency. “Mr. Laurence, it’s an emergency – Mrs. Laurence has just bolted from the operating room…” 

Bernard, freshly clad in his sterile scrubs, felt his heart skip a beat. He flung open the locker room door and sprinted down the hallway, the soles of his shoes barely touching the ground as he raced to find Eleanor. 

Eleanor, with the nurse following her, stumbled and weaved her way through the corridors, looking back anxiously. Distracted, she collided with someone… 

The man steadied the wobbling Eleanor with a firm grip, then fixed her with a piercing, icy gaze. “Why the hell are you running?” he asked, his voice a blend of irritation and concern. Recognizing the man as Robin, Eleanor mumbled an apology before attempting to sidestep him and continue her escape. But before she could get far, Robin caught her hand and yanked her back. “Who are you trying to dodge?” he asked. 

Eleanor turned just in time to see the nurse charging down the corridor toward her. In a panic, she tried to shake off Robin’s grip, but he held on tight. 

Just as she was about to lash out, Robin shouldered his way through the onlookers and fixed his gaze on the approaching nurse. “I have no clue what’s going on, but that nurse is clearly after you. Need a hand?” 

Eleanor, taken aback, nodded, assuming Robin would just block the nurse’s path. Instead, he suddenly bent down, scooped her up in his arms, and made a beeline for the hospital 


By the time the nurse made it outside, Eleanor was already in Robin’s car, hastily buckling her seatbelt. Glancing out the window, she intended to see if the nurse had followed but instead caught a glimpse of Bernard, standing tall on the hospital steps. 

With just a fleeting look, the car moved and sped away. Eleanor pressed her face against the window, lips parting to say something, but the sight of Bernard’s eyes, filled with despair, stabbed at her heart. She knew he must despise her now for fleeing right before 


Robin had seen Bernard too, still in his scrubs, obviously about to enter the OR as a support person. Eleanor was also dressed for surgery, and clearly pregnant, but not full-term. Why the urgency for surgery? 

As Robin was driving, he glanced at Eleanor. “What the hell is going on with you two?” 

Chapter 1462 

Eleanor, with guilt weighing heavy on her heart gently touched her belly. “The doctor said my heart transplant and sudden pregnancy-induced hypertension are a bad mix. They’re pushing for an immediate C-section, but I can’t bear to risk the baby…” 

Robin wasn’t well-versed in medical jargon but asked bluntly, “What happens if you don’t have the C-section?” 

Eleanor was silent for a moment before replying, “Without the surgery, there’s only a 10% chance for me to survive… With it, maybe 30%. 

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Robin’s demeanor shifted from casual to somber. “So you’re telling me that either way, the odds aren’t great, but the surgery might give you a better shot?” 

Eleanor nodded silently, and Robin slowed the car to a halt at the side of the road. Before she could question him, he spoke gently, “Eleanor, Bernard’s choice is the right one. You should listen to him.” 

Tears welled up in Eleanor’s eyes. “I know he’s right, but what about the baby? The doctors have said with my condition, saving me means losing the baby. How can I accept that?” 

Robin looked down at her prominent belly, recalling how he’d been there through the pregnancy, watching the baby grow. Even he found it hard to bear, but compared to Eleanor’s life, the baby seemed secondary. 


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