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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1473

Seeing Bernard's reluctance to hold the baby, Hailey guessed that perhaps he was blaming the child for Eleanor's condition. Not wanting to force the issue, she decided to let it be.

With tenderness, Hailey lifted the little one and placed him next to Eleanor, then gently took Eleanor's hand and laid it upon the baby's belly. It was as if there was a mystical bond between mother and child, for the moment Eleanor's hand touched him, the baby began to cry...

The sound of the infant's cry seemed to pierce Bernard's heart, and his eyes, despite his efforts, reddened with emotion. His long fingers reached out uncontrollably and rested on the baby's tiny hand...

The baby, who had been wailing inconsolably, felt the touch of Bernard’s hand and gradually ceased crying. Opening his clear, tear-filled eyes wide, he curiously gazed at Bernard while his minuscule fingers clutched Bernard's pinky...

The baby's five little fingers could only grasp Bernard's pinky, but in that instant, Bernard became the baby's whole world. And Bernard, overwhelmed by the moment, covered his eyes with his other hand...

He wept uncontrollably, sobbing and repeatedly asking Eleanor, "When will you wake up? I can't carry on like this if you don't..."

Hailey, standing by, also found herself unable to stop her tears. It had been two months, and Eleanor showed no sign of waking, lying there as still and silent as if she had departed this world...

In the third month, Aidyn and Scott finally found an elderly herbal doctor, Dr. Brown, known for treating those in unresponsive states. However, he was quite aged and had retired abroad. It was only after Aidyn and Scott's relentless search through streets and alleys that they managed to track down his address.

Dr. Brown had long stopped seeing patients and, upon hearing that the patient was the wife of the CEO of the Lawrence Group, he feared he wouldn't be able to help and initially refused.

Upon learning this, Bernard, desperate for even the slimmest chance, took three days off to fly overseas with a substantial offer, pleading earnestly until Dr. Brown agreed to return to A City.

After examining Eleanor, the doctor wasn't certain she would recover, but he promised to do his best, combining Eastern and Western medical techniques, much like Yates' previous physician. Bernard, anxious for any hope, shamelessly approached Yates to borrow The surgeon's expertise. After observing his acupuncture technique, Dr. Moore gave a nod of approval.

Only then did Bernard feel confident enough to entrust Eleanor to Dr. Brown's care. Both doctors agreed that the chances of Eleanor waking were slim; Dr. Moore chose to step back, while Dr. Brown was willing to keep trying.

As long as the doctor didn't give up, Bernard was willing to gamble. Fate had often been cruel to him, and he was determined to fight against destiny.

Dr. Brown, the herbal doctor, visited the hospital daily to treat Eleanor. Though the progress was meager, Hailey grew anxious and turned to faith, seeking divine intervention.

She visited a chapel, made a vow to the heavens, and obtained two blessed charms—one for the baby's crib and the other placed under Eleanor's pillow.

After setting the charms, Hailey grabbed Eleanor's hand and whispered tenderly, "Eleanor, remember when you were on the brink before, and I prayed in a chapel for your life? It worked then, and three years later, you came back to us. I've prayed again, and I hope the divine will continue to watch over you and hasten your awakening."

Hearing Hailey's words, Bernard, who stood by like a statue carved from ice, finally showed a flicker of emotion. "Where is this chapel?" he asked.

Hailey paused, then lifted her gaze to Bernard's face, which had grown sharp with worry and fatigue, "You... want to go there?"


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