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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1489

Chapter 1489 


Bernard reluctantly let go of Eleanor, his eyes clouded with disappointment as he shot a cold glance at Cedric, who was leading Hailey out of the room, “You might as well come in and watch, make sure you get your money’s worth.” 

Cedric, who prided himself on having a thick skin, couldn’t help but click his tongue in admiration at his brother’s audacity, “Look at you, bro. You’ve got guts. I’m giving you 


Bernard, ever so nonchalant, raised his well-defined finger to straighten the shirt that Eleanor had rumpled, then leaned back on the armchair, tilting his chin at Cedric, “Try teasing me again?” 

Already back in the room, Cedric pulled up a chair and sat down opposite Bernard, “I wasn’t teasing you, come on, I’m a man too, I know the frustration…” 

Eleanor, upon hearing this, covered her face. These two brothers, what on earth do they talk about in their spare time? Such matters should not be so openly discussed, should they? 

Compared to Eleanor’s shyness, Hailey was used to their banter. Cedric was a rascal in bed, always making dirty jokes. But she never imagined he’d have the gall to tease Bernard with them. What a daredevil! 

Daredevil Cedric was about to push his luck further but was interrupted by a chilling gaze from Bernard, “Hey… Hailey, bring Little Damn over here for Eleanor and Bernard to see…” 

Eleanor forced a smile as Hailey brought over the baby, handing him to her. Eleanor took her child with a touch of guilt, “It’s my fault for being out of it for so long. We haven’t even named the poor mite…” 

Cedric knew Eleanor’s comment was a hint, but he stubbornly insisted on his own nickname, “Eleanor, there’s no rush to name the kid. Let him pick his own at the first birthday party. For now, ‘Little Damn’ will do. 

Before Eleanor could respond, Bernard’s voice, cold and detached, chimed in, “Next time, bring over ‘Boy’ and ‘Girl’ too. I want to see how those two kids are shaping up…” 

Cedric was speechless… 

An idea suddenly lit up his mind, “Oh, Bernard, my apologies. My kids were born before yours. Down the line, your child will have to call them big brother or sister. It’s like I’m taking advantage of you or something.” 

Bernard, cool as a cucumber, replied, “If you don’t want to feel like you’re taking 

advantage, it’s simple, Have your kids call mine ‘big bro’. Then, the age order won’t matter at all.” 



Chapter 1489 

As Bernard spoke, Cedric’s smug smile froze in place, but the baby in Eleanor’s arms giggled as if understanding their conversation, showing off his brilliance. 

Hearing the baby’s laughter, Bernard’s eyebrows lifted in a rare show of good humor. He reached out to tickle the baby’s chubby chin, “Like being the big bro, do you?” 

The baby couldn’t answer, but he waved his little hands, reaching for Bernard’s fingers. When he caught them, his laughter grew louder, unstoppable in his joy. 

Seeing such a delightful baby, Eleanor couldn’t help but lean down to kiss his soft little forehead, “Sweetheart, can you really understand what daddy’s saying? Why are you so happy?” 

After she spoke, she turned to Bernard, who was also wearing a faint smile, “Isn’t our baby just adorable? Do you want to hold him?” 


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